Human beings are given the natural ability to see the clear well-defined line that distinguishes between right or wrong, and good or evil. Once we cross that line, it begins to fade and disappear. And, the more times we cross it, we naturally lose our ability to see it at all. One of the highest points of the spiritual awakening I experienced from the Steps was that my ability to see that Line was restored to me. Blessings to all.....Mike D.
For me, the Steelers winning 5 of the last 7 games, after starting 0 and 4 was a pretty high point of this year. Quite hopeless at first....
But seriously, I just felt everything for a change. I felt wrong quite a bit. I still was messed up for a while. I was so used to lying and scheming, it took a while to just look at the truth.
The line was there as you said, I was just far on the wrong side. I remember hearing of "reality based self esteem". Based on living on the right side of the line. Became willing to let go of those character defects and asking God to do it.
Nice thread.
"I spent a lifetime in hell and it only took me twelve steps to get to heaven."
"Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you."
At some point, alcohol dissolved this 'line' for me ... and with an invisible line, I never knew how far I had crossed it til I was deep in doo-doo ... LOL
And yes, the line was restored when I honestly worked the steps and it became 'bolder' the more I applied the AA principles in my life ... now, it is a 'way of life' for me, thank you guys and God ... great subject Mike, thanks
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Different kinda post Mike...nice and thought provoking. Memory serves me that I would cross that line at will...when it served my will and I got or would get something I wanted regardless of ethics. EGO...Easing God Out...when I got that manager out of the way it was most convenient to be self satisfied. My emotions were impervious to guilt and shame until just before I desired the habit of the 9th step and its consequences. Don't have to live that way anymore and don't have to drink either. Mahalo ((((hugs))))