You all gave me a couple of new quotes to try and remember. I am like you d_willing, it is great that I can remember more now. Not as much as I would like, but hey, these cells weren't destroyed in one binge.
Boy, ain't that the truth. And although I am the sticky note Queen for remembering things? Alcoholism never forgets. Ever. It would take me down faster today than it did thirty years ago. It knows my name, and no matter whether it's a drink on a plane from a bitty bottle, a bottle of md 2020 at the park, a cooler at the beach----it's there, just waiting to claim what's left of my brain cells, and it is the master of deception. It talks smoother, whispers in your ear more gently, than any lover can. Time means nothing to it. It has all the time in the world to claim us back, with all the patience of eternity. Like an old fashioned "demon will getcha if you go there" it's waiting, and I can never be complacent. I may forget, but it will never forget me. This board is a good reminder.
certainly is . I've known nuns & mums , priests & prostitutes , millionaires & billionaires . In fact th billionaire I know , picked up a drink @ 30yrs sober & lost th lot . A friend loaned him her husbands suit & gave him $5 for th bus fare for th interview for the job he has today . Great Remover too . gets stains out of things , even removes people , from being people.
@ 37 I was too young & good looking to be an alkie.
still too young , still got th good looks. still n alkie.
wren....yes, and I am trying to get off that other one just like I did the alcohol, cause sometimes I think that is gonna kill me, too! :)
zoomtopz... That's proof right there that all the money in the world cannot buy happiness. It has to come from within and staying away from the drink. Better to be poor and sober and live than to be rich and drunk and die.
...and you all are full of wonderful quotes! Thanks for sharing!