A year ago today I woke up and couldn't remember what had happened the night before. When I got out of bed I went to the kitchen and thought about drinking the last of the bottle of wine, but instead I poured it down the sink. I didn't make any decisions that day, and I was still pretty hammered from the night before, so I actually count the 26th as my sobriety date.
If you're new or struggling, my message is this: It gets better. It gets so much better. These days, I can cope with life and I'm not afraid or ashamed or uncomfortable in my skin. And I was doing pretty well on the outside. But, inside I was a mess.
MIP was a huge part of this year for me. Thank you all for being here and carrying the message!
-- Edited by RubyTues on Monday 25th of November 2013 05:51:40 PM
You have done and are doing really well with your recovery Ruby...I hope you keep coming back and reaching out to the new comers who stumble thru our doors and the old timers like myself who forget and stumble all over ourselves...speaking for myself. ((((hugs))))
A BIG CONGRATS RubyT, ... ... ... the 1st year, the hardest one is behind you now ... ... ... NOW, it's time to get started ... that's what my sponsor told me, LOL
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Visualize me standing on my chair, swingin' my body around, clappin' and yellin'... "You go Girl! A whole damn year!!" LOL
What a beautiful gift to have you with us here Ruby. Isn't it really cool, to be able to go to sleep, not pass out? To lay down instead of fall down? And really cool is not having to wake up and ask someone else what we did, or how we acted last night!
I haven't had to do that, since the day I got sober... there might be a connection. :)
Love ya and wishing you bunches of sober days ahead!