Hi everyone! Just wanted to share what I've been having fun doing in the last few days. Our youngest son turns 21 this coming week, and since he's a totally badass guitarist, I thought I'd get him something guitar/ music related. I'd been thinking about it for weeks. Wanted to come up with something cool. Then a different thought hit me: Why not make him something unusual that he'd enjoy and treasure for the rest of his life....something made by his dad. Soooo, for the past week, I've been building him a Cigar Box Guitar. (you can Google it if you're unfamiliar) Using a one dollar cigar box from a tobacco store, whatever I had laying around the house, Radio Shack, and a few trips to Home Depot, I just finished a 3 string fretted electric guitar. (tuned to open G) Never built one of these before, but I'm well pleased with how it turned out. Looks and sounds great. Got it done just a day before he came home! That was close. What makes this so fun is that it was made out of love for him. Had a blast doing it. Now I'm more excited for his birthday than he probably is....can't hardly wait to give it to him. Anyway, that's what I've been up to. Thanks for letting me share my fun. Blessings, Mike D.
That's really, really great Mike ... it's gifts like that that mean so much more down the road than other 'stuff' ... ... ...
If your son inherited his musical talent from you, just wondered if you ever thought of, or tried, writing him a song ??? ... simply curious!!! ... bet Tasha is thinking the same thing!!! ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
That is so very thoughtful a gift to give and the handmade ones I have received in the past are the ones I still remember. What a lucky son you have to have a dad like you!
Hello everyone, and thanks for all of your supportive responses. I think it's so much fun to share family things like that with friends. There was a time when I didn't have friends...or anything fun to share. In regards to our sons musical talent, he must have gotten all of that straight from Above. He clearly didn't inherit it from me or my wife since neither one of us are musically inclined. My wife has a degree in art, and I've written & published a couple of 12 Step books, but we sure can't carry a tune. I admire anyone who has a musical gift and works to develop it. But, the biggest thing I keep thinking about is the fact that this Program has made so many wonderful and amazing things possible in my life and our family. God has been way too good to me, and He has taken me much farther than I could've ever taken myself on my own willpower. Over the years, I've become more and more aware that my Creator is constantly creating me. Can't thank Him enough. Again, thanks for your kind replies. Blessings to all of you.....Mike D.