. . . when making specific requests, it will be well to add to each one of them this qualification. ". . . if it be Thy will. "
I ask simply that throughout the day God place in me the best understanding of His will that I can have for that day, and that I be given the grace by which I may carry it out. As the day goes on, I can pause when facing situations that must be met and decisions that must be made, and renew the simple request: "Thy will, not mine, be done."
I must always keep in mind that in every situation I am responsible for the effort and God is responsible for the outcome. I can "Let Go and Let God" by humbly repeating: "Thy will, not mine, be done." Patience and persistence in seeking His will for me will free me from the pain of selfish expectations.
Thanks Stepman, ... for me, this is a great way to stop 'blaming' God for things that don't turn out like I think they should ... It helps me be reminded of who's in control of the end results ... there are a ton of examples in my life where things didn't go as I wanted, but in the end were the best things that could have happened ... I just couldn't see it at the time ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I am trying to do just that and not just in the early morning upon awakening, but throughout the day, when I catch myself thinking about things I shouldn't as well as self-defeating.
Thanks for posting!