Making prompt amends is the fresh air of each new day. --Sandra Little
Today brings us a new hill to climb and a new view from the top. Taking time to reflect about our daily journeys is a challenging adventure in self-discovery. Looking down, we see our past trials and difficulties as lessons to learn from. Letting go of old baggage as we end our day will give us a bright window to open onto tomorrow.
Completing a daily inventory creates a good foundation for living peacefully. Honestly acknowledging the things we have done or said to hurt ourselves or others enables us to say, "I'm sorry" and to begin each day with a clean slate and a peaceful heart. As we empty ourselves of regret by making amends to ourselves and others, we make room for the love and comfort of our Higher Power.
Today help me take inventory and make amends where I need to.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I am just glad I didn't fall off of that hill before I was able to get sober. I look forward to working the steps and doing the other things you mentioned above.