Even though it's a pain in the butt right now, I am grateful to be moving back closer to our handicapped kids ... they needed us closer by, and we been praying a long time that we could move ... lo and behold, my wife got transferred to their neck of the woods ... it came out of the blue ... the Lord DOES work in mysterious ways ...
I'll be more grateful when all this moving stuff is over ... LOL
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I am glad your prayers were answered, Pappy, and that you will be able to move closer to your kids. How blessed they are to have parents like you and your wife.
I love the statement from Helen K...how appropriate from a very courageous and knowing outwardly blind woman. I believe that I will find a book of her writings and get reunited again with her spirit.
Pappy...HP facilitates (for me) and then lets me decide what to do with the gift or tool. You're up. ((((hugs))))
I am grateful for God's mercy and grace upon me and family. He always protects me and He always cares. When I am weak, He is strong. Mostly I am grateful for my sobriety which was granted to me as a free gift from God, to keep and to enjoy for a lifetime if I so desire.
I'm thankful for a new life that I was not in charge of making.
I'm thankful for Step 1. Thankful I finally got it.
Very thankful to open my eyes and live what I once thought was a dream.
Of course there are the normal pains and challenges life brings us all, but strange as it is, I'm actually able to deal a little better with life on life's terms.
I'm thankful for things working out for you Pappy. That is awesome brother!
And thanks to the board peeps for sharing the ESH that keeps you rolling.
Friday is here, and have a good'n... :)
"I spent a lifetime in hell and it only took me twelve steps to get to heaven."
"Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you."
I'm grateful for my life, all of it. It's good, bad, and in between. I was listening to someone interviewing Melody Beattie, and she spoke of how she learned to be grateful not only for the good things in her life, but to be grateful for the things she didn't like about it also. She said that learning to be grateful for what she viewed as negative things in her life eventually gave her the ability to find a glimmer of hope in all situations she encounters. This makes so much sense to me. I am grateful to be alive and sober.
I asked God for all things that I may enjoy life. He gave me life so that I may enjoy all things.