"God didn't save me from drowning so he could club me to death on the shore."
When I crawled into recovery I was as desperate as a drowning man. My life had been overwhelmed by the tidal wave of addiction and despair, and the life boat I was clinging too was rapidly filling with water. In the final moments I reached out for help, and God pulled me to safety.
Once I was on shore and drying out in the rooms of recovery, I found myself drowning again, this time in the wreckage and unmanageability of my life. I constantly worried about how I would repair relationships, repay debts, and about what would become of me. Sometimes I was so convinced things wouldn't work for me that a drink looked pretty good. And that's when I heard today's quote.
For me, this quote is all about faith. Today - as well as in early recovery - when I get overwhelmed with fear that things won't work out, I remember that I have been pulled out from the ocean, restored to sanity, and that my job now is to trust that the "next right thing" will manifest when the time is right. It always has, and my living faith tells it always will.
"God didn't save me to let me down later."
Copyright @ 2013 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'