"The less full of ourselves we are, the more room there is for others."
During my first year of recovery I worked as a municipal bond broker, and I hated every minute of it and barely made enough money to survive. As I drove to a meeting one night I was obsessed over a big deal I had just talked someone into, and I was worried sick that the prospect might cancel the order. As I drove along consumed with self-centered fear, I had a moment of clarity.
From out of nowhere my thinking shifted to today's quote - I had heard it a few weeks before - and I suddenly knew exactly what it meant. I realized that if I arrived at the meeting obsessed with this deal then I wouldn't be present for the people at the meeting who needed my time and attention. In that instant I had my first God shot, and I've remembered that lesson to this day.
Today I realize that thinking less about myself not only helps me to feel better, but it does something even more important - it allows me to be present for others and so enables the miracle of God and the program to work through me. I also know that my only hope for long term recovery and happiness depends on my continued ability to be of service to others.
That's why today I try to make more room for others by being less full of myself!
Know someone who might enjoy this quote? Please Pass it On!
Copyright @ 2013 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Hello Pythonpappy, Mike D. here. I absolutely LOVED the wisdom you just shared....Thank You!! Speaking of "The Wisdom of the Rooms", when I was only about 2 years sober, I recall hearing a person in a meeting say that they "need a bigger God." But, after I heard them say that, I heard some different words deep inside me. It said, "No, I don't need a bigger God...I need a smaller ME." Where those words came from, I can't say for sure. But, I've never forgotten them to this day. Keep sharing your wisdom and thanks for letting me share. Blessings, Mike D.
Hey Mike,... I just read your post on the 'gossip thread' and left a comment there ... you said what I wished I had said ... AND ... I think you're onto something with this 'needing a smaller me' thingy ... I CAN relate for sure ... and it make a ton of sense ...
Thanks again and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'