Yesterday was my Friday. It had a rough start that I conquered and perservered over until by the end of the day I was all smiles.
But I had that thinking in the back of my head. That stuff that allows me to make a choice before I can't make a choice. The Little Voice (vice) was saying, "Just a lil'bit won't hurt?" "You can enjoy a buzz and relax. It will be okay." My truth is that there is NO just one. Besides I need to enjoy life with my family, not by myself.
Instead of spending $30+ on a bottle, I took the wife on a date. We ate chinese seafood buffet and talked for two hours. Only moderately stuffed and full of tea I can say I enjoyed my evening a whole lot more. For the price of a vice I got to be with someone special to me.
And I didn't come home with a stinky mood to crash everyones party, complain, bellyache, moan, and belittle. Slept in until 8am today too. So Nice!
That was a good decision. A nice date is always better than a self destruct.
It is interesting how we get tempted by the thought of just one drink, but we know it never ends that way. Ha! We never get tempted with a scene from the county jail drunk tank, or divorce court!
Well done. Keep on keepin on. It is good you thought it they to the end.
"I spent a lifetime in hell and it only took me twelve steps to get to heaven."
"Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you."
The Big Book says the crux of the problem is the first drink. If we can find a solution to not taking that first drink, we won't take the second and third and fourteenth.
Good job friend!
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
I had those same impulses yesterday, Craig. The children had their first day of school, and it was a loooong summer. Caught myself thinking how a glass of wine would be relaxing and a treat. Fortunately, I fought that impulse, because 1 glass becomes one big bottle, and one big fight with my husband, etc.
Awesome Missy, Its so cool when we can identify the same places, urges and share the reasonings . Every little light we shine into the darkness helps us find our way through the messes we made.