When will we become lovable? When will we feel safe? When will we get all the protection, nurturing, and love we so richly deserve? We will get it when we begin giving it to ourselves. Beyond Codependency
The idea of giving ourselves what we want and need can be confusing, especially if we have spent many years not knowing that it's okay to take care of ourselves. Taking our energy and focus off others and their responsibilities and placing that energy on to our responsibilities and ourselves is a recovery behavior that can be acquired. We learn it by daily practice.
We begin by relaxing, by breathing deeply, and letting go of our fears enough to feel as peaceful as we can. Then, we ask ourselves: What do I need to do to take care of myself today, or for this moment?
What do I need and want to do?
What would demonstrate love and self-responsibility?
Am I caught up in the belief that others are responsible for making me happy, responsible for me? Then the first thing I need to do is correct my belief system. I am responsible for myself.
Do I feel anxious and concerned about a responsibility I've been neglecting? Then perhaps I need to let go of my fears and tend to that responsibility.
Do I feel overwhelmed, out of control? Maybe I need to journey back to the first of the Twelve Steps.
Have I been working too hard? Maybe what I need to do is take some time off and do something fun.
Have I been neglecting my work on daily tasks? Then maybe what I need to do is get back to my routine.
There is no recipe, no formula, no guidebook for self care. We each have a guide, and that guide is within us. We need to ask the question: What do I need to do to take loving, responsible care of myself? Then, we need to listen to the answer. Self-care is not that difficult. The most challenging part is trusting the answer, and having the courage to follow through once we hear it.
Today, I will focus on taking care of myself. I will trust myself and my Higher Power to guide me in this process.
Great questions when it comes to evaluating one's self and where we are today ... I feel this is good 'meditation' material ... if we can slow down long enough to give these questions time to stimulate some answers ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I agree Pappy! I've found for me there's so much overlap between codependent behavoir and Alcoholism. Both are obessive, compulsive disorders. The symptoms of two are very similiar. The difference is the solution. But, some have multiple solutions. Drink and people. That's my take on it anyway.
I loved this one this morning when I read it. Glad you're getting away with posting this... when I was posting these... I got told not to... can't remember why exactly anymore. I still read them every day though - this and today's gift are my favorite! Thanks for posting.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Mike...the inventory tools are assets and causes for gratitude for me. I never learned to honestly ask these questions of myself for the intention of becoming a better person in my life. Taking care of ourselves is one way of saying it...rebuilding ourselves is another...becoming a walker in the program is yet another. This is also, for me, a requirement in God's will. Great post. Mahalo