It's Polish. I grew up speaking the language - my parents were immigrants after WWII.
Michal - make your post in Polish and I'll translate it. Polish to English translation software is only in its infancy. The difference in grammar and syntax between the languages is extreme, to say the least.
The title of the thread is, "And then they wonder".
-- Edited by Q on Saturday 17th of August 2013 11:14:30 AM
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
Today another God in the form of employee socjalu decided that I am not entitled to dopata.My wszyszczy in aa bear the consequences of this? WE TRZEWI.Tu system is designed so that if someone is sober and well-kept neatly shaved and dressed, it is immediately suspected of dealing drugs or perhaps leeched boku.Czasem illegally because of this, and even more foreigners trying in various ways to get rid of this kraju.AA is designed to accept the consequences of my sobriety because I do not know how to steal, do not combine to earn some extra money on side, trade in drugs or whatever fashionable abroad, trade death and we make the trade because tytoniu.No aowski program or would be any one who professes belief, forbids us to carry out such a mode in aa zycia.Ludzie are sometimes marginalized because We are drunks and no one zmieni.Jestemy sober drunks, but God is not interested in the official program and the aowskim of August I changed and therefore bear the consequences trzezwoci.Dalej if someone already knows about us is napweno not get a better job or better pieniedzy.Dalej, constraint, I was taken to a room addition, I have studied the apartment because I do not have a deposit, I was incapacitated and powerless against the system called dyskryminacja.Dalej, I used to think of how I pray that God will open your heart and pieprznie in the head by the officer opened his heart or conscience of my or any other aowca sytuacje.Normalnie I think I screwed up because I thought that God this church or would be any one who professes faith will happen in August cud.A the miracle has not been and will not be because people are not gods at the ziemi.Trabie for half a year and everyone tells me that such is just so ycie.Now remains on going to meetings pretend to be dumb about that program and aowski system works and does not work! Because if it acted under the influence of my lifestyle others should open heart to the cry for help of another czowieka.Ale callousness, all kinds of causes with you in aa man, you go to the meeting, in August articulate what you are hurt, and the system, and the world is left without zmian.Bo God does not affect other people, the hunger for injustice in the absence of a home for you and a lack of regular safety or would be finansowego.System aowski program is designed with you, inside you scream at the injustice of this world, and on the outside of the mask assume it's ok because I'm sober and NIEPWYPADA complain about mityngu BECAUSE YOU CLAIM TO FOLD THIS IS NOT THE GOD AND NOT THE AOWSKU.Popeniem at the beginning of aa shameful error, I thought God AOWSKI MA strength and power ON EARTH AND WHAT WILL SUPPORT THE WORK FOR HIM, AND HE JUST THEIR OLEWA.Krótko, GOD ON EARTH IS EVERY WORKER , Master and Commander, I HAD TO DO WHAT YOU SHALL EAT AND WHERE TO SLEEP will depend on the Almighty LORD URZEDNIKA. STUDY
Michal - I will leave this post up but I am having a hard time understanding it possibly due to content but also possibly language barrier. The other one which is almost completely in polish and still doesn't make much sense, I will remove. Sorry.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
It's probably the google translator, or something similar. Some languages work better than others. Polish is notoriously difficult to translate into English.
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James