I wanted to share some weird dreams I have been having, I know its common to have dreams when you quit drinking of dreams of drinking, which I was having when I first quit drinking of drinking.
But lately I have been having dreams of being in social situation and I am telling people I cannot drink because I am an alcoholic. Its weird because I don't tell people I'm not drinking because I am, I just tell people I don't like drinking etc. I just wanted to see if anyone has experienced similar dreams?
I've only had a couple of drinking dreams in my sobriety. I now have only a vague recollection of the drinking situations. I did not like them.
I have heard of some (many?) alkies who have them occasionally. A hazard of sobriety. Sharing about them with other alkies seems like a good coping tactic.
I have drinking dreams all the time. In some I've drank accidentally, in some I have to explain that I'm not drinking, etc. It's bizzare. The other night I had a dream that I was working at a place I worked at a while ago and they were filming a documentary about me being an alcoholic? Dreams are so frigging weird.
I have drinking dreams all the time. In some I've drank accidentally, in some I have to explain that I'm not drinking, etc. It's bizzare. The other night I had a dream that I was working at a place I worked at a while ago and they were filming a documentary about me being an alcoholic? Dreams are so frigging weird.
Yep...the accidental drink dream that ruins a sobriety date was what I had over and over in my first round in AA. This time around, I often dream about recovery and helping others. Quite the change. Its probably because I read a whole lot more from the books this time. When I read WW2 stories (I love them) I often dream I'm in the situation. I think it has to do some with what you do with your brain all day and just before bed for the most part.
@ironman thats a really interesting dream. its funny how our brains interpertate thing, things that are bothering us etc. I also find it interesting that zootopz is still having drinking dreams after 36 years of soberity, I guess it will be something always in the back of our minds.
Mandm, for me dreams are metaphor for whats going on in my subconscious (most often) and conscious also. I started "reading" my dreams in recovery so that I could get what the pictures were trying to tell me. Drinking dreams often for me were "past" events after I stopped drinking...when I was drinking they of course were current events or more realistically fears because drinking always came with fear back then. I drank thru fear almost all of the time which or course triggered my anger (so I fought alot when I drank) or elevate my anxiety that something "bad" would happen because I was drinking. That dream might be reminding you that you feel the need to constantly remind yourself and others that you cannot drink because.... When it becomes second nature to you that you willnot drink rather than cannot drink the dream may (like mine) subside to never. Ironman has replaced his dreams by changing his behaviors. Cool. Program works when you work it.
Don't forget, drinking dreams are simply 'thoughts' ... as long as we don't act negatively on those thoughts, and continue to work the program, then we should be just fine ... after a while, our subconscious mind will be in the program too and we'll not have these thoughts as often ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'