I just found this website today after long day and night yesterday of binge drinking. I have never considered myself an alcoholic because I don't drink everyday. I do however drink every weekend and each time I drink so much until I pass out. I have a wife and two children and am terribly afraid I am going to lose them if I don't get this under control. It just seems so unfair because I like drinking but can never stick to a limit. I'm sick and tired of being drunk and hungover every weekend. I guess with me since I binge drink everytime that I drink I must stop alltogether.
Hey Justin. Welcome. This was the case for me though I started drinking during the week towards the latter part. I never could control my drinking. Upon honest reflection, all I ever did was get hammered when I drank pretty much starting in college. Hence, giving up the idea that I would ever control it was the first step (or a large part of it). Plus, it was fooling me into thinking I liked it. It had stopped being fun and was just a problem at the end. You might be ready for AA. It's not nearly as scary as what might ooccur if you keep up trying to drink knowing it has you pretty much licked.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Glad you found us and decided to drop in and post an intro ... ... ... Yep, I too, think you're in the right place ... there just may be a reason you found us when you did ... We are not going to tell you that you're an alcoholic like us, that's for you to decide ... but if you feel you have a 'problem' every time you drink, then you may have just proved something to yourself ...
Our very 1st step is to come to the realization that we are POWERLESS over alcohol ... we know from experience that we cannot have only one drink without developing the 'craving' for more ... after that 1st drink we go on to drink more and more and more til we pass out ... or at least that's what most of us here have admitted to ...
We have a lot of stories here you might like to read when you have time to review posts of the past ... start by opening up threads of the topics that might interest you ... and of course, if you have any questions here, feel free to ask away ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Aloha Justin...welcome to the board. Today I am not a "bad" person I am alcoholic. I have a compulsion of the mind allergies of the body...headaches, vision problems, loss of balance and speech and clear hearing, black outs and when I finally stopped my skin was a yellowish/green color. I have drank up to and including toxic shock (overdose) and have put the lives of many in danger or death while drinking. I am alcoholic. Of course loosing your job, your family, your health and everything else; your life is part of the deal. Alcoholism is a progressive, fatal disease if not arrested by total abstinence. It doesn't care about your or others wants and needs and expectations, that isn't a part of the deal. Alcoholics are not "bad" people...they are sick people. Maybe more education about the chemical and the disease will help ease your mind and spirit. Check the AMA (American Medical Association) and the NHI (National Health Institute) and any other source for information on your symptoms and after you stop nodding your head up and down I suggest you go to an open AA meeting and get a Big Book. You won't have to identify as an alcoholic...Go to get the book...stay to listen to the experiences of the people who know that they are alcoholic and then maybe stay and talk to some old timers after. Do not ask your wife if she thinks that you are one...she doesn't want you to be one also. This is for you. Welcome to the board. Just because you might not be yellowish/green isn't the only indicator that you are not in the disease. Keep coming back...In support.
Welcome, Justin! Glad you're here. It sounds like you're sick and tired of the same old crap, a place we've all been. It can only look up from here. Stick around!
Welcome, Justin! I started out in this board while still actively drinking and used it as a space to process what was going on for me inside with people who have experience and wisdom that transcends mine. It has led to very good things in terms of knowledge and sobriety. Best of luck and please keep coming back.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
Welcome. Just remember, normal people don't have to worry about "getting their drinking under control" or "setting limits". Most alcoholics have tried doing these things many times before they surrendered and made it into the AA halls.
I just found this website today after long day and night yesterday of binge drinking. I have never considered myself an alcoholic because I don't drink everyday. I do however drink every weekend and each time I drink so much until I pass out. ...
I did not drink every day either. But I drank without restraint often. Many times I passed out or blacked out. Increasingly, I came to believe I was an alkie. In recovery and in AA, I have met others like me. And we are staying sober.
You can stay sober too.
Welcome to the forum, Justin. Feel free to post here. You may have questions.