Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud. Alex Osborn
A garden of flowers blooming is a beautiful sight to see. Through the green leaves surrounding a tulip we see hints of yellow or pink or red. Each day the flowers greet us with their radiant color. Yet, a sudden frost would wilt and fade the flowers.
Each time we create something new with our talents we are like a young flower opening. Whether we draw or write or sew or play a musical instrument, all creativity has this in common. Appreciation from those around us is like sunshine for the flowers. Harsh criticism, however, is like the cold air - it wilts and deadens our desire to create.
We all need warm encouragement for our endeavors, and we can give as well as receive it. In this way, creativity can bloom in our homes and our friendships, bringing a garden full of color and delight into our lives.
What encouragement can I offer to someone near me?
That's all so true. And I think it is particularly important to think of this as it relates to how we treat young people. As a kid, thank God, my parents never once invalidated or mocked my creative urges. I think about this every time I hear about an adult telling someone young that anything they value is stupid or useless. That sort of trauma lasts forever :) -A
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton