A gentleman shared something in a meeting yesterday that caused me to want to jump up and give him a kiss. Since kissing guys isn't normally my thing, I thought I'd pass along his share:
If I get wheeled in here tomorrow in a wheelchair because I've lost my legs between now and then, I need you all to come up and congratulate me on this latest blessing from my higher power. If I have truly come to believe and have truly turned my life and will over to the care of a loving higher power, then losing my legs is a blessing masquerading as a tragedy. Because I am human, I might forget that in the moment and so I'll need you folks to remind me.
Isn't there a 'biblical' verse to this effect somewhere ??? ... ... ... Like, 'all things happen for the good to them that love the Lord' ... ??? ... I must check this out!!!
Thanks Angell ... ... ... what a great 'perspective' to have in life!!!
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'