It does make a difference what you call things. --Kate Douglas Wiggin
Most of us think of dandelions as weeds. We buy special tools and poisons when they crop up and complain about them as surely as we welcome the spring that brings them.
Yet is there anything more lovely than a sea of yellow dandelions by the side of the road in June? Or as remarkable in transformation as the filaments of the mature dandelion blowing on the wind?
Sometimes we let someone else define for us what are weeds and what are flowers. We don't have to. Much of the beauty of the world is that we ourselves decide what is beautiful according to our own feelings. How lucky we are that, when we choose to, we can open our eyes and see!
Can I see the beauty in those around me right now?
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
This is an excellent meditation for me, because my vegetable garden is overgrown with weeds at this point, and I really don't feel like weeding. I think I'll just enjoy God's creation as it is!
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
This is an excellent meditation for me, because my vegetable garden is overgrown with weeds at this point, and I really don't feel like weeding. I think I'll just enjoy God's creation as it is!
This is funny, ... ... ... I just came in from looking at my tomato plants ... and I was thinking of the incredible wonders of nature(God) to provide such things ... and I was also reminded of being a kid on the farm with an acre or two of garden that dad had me hoeing all the time ... I thought about how much I hated that at the time, and what do I do now ??? ... I plant a garden so I can enjoy the time out there, LOL ... I also was reminded of being that kid and taking the salt shaker with me to the garden and eating fresh tomatoes off the vine along with some cucumbers and turnips and whatever else that was getting ready to pick ...
oh man, that reminds me that the neighbor gave me a bag of fresh green beans a couple days ago ... I was leaving for a meeting and thru them in the frig, crap, I forgot, I need to go snap some beans here shortly ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Well, we live in the heart of Amish country. You can't throw a stone without hitting a farmstand, so needless to say, we enjoy a lot of fresh produce. But I've discovered a great deal of spiritual strength from gardening. Patient tending is a good lesson for this alcoholic to practice.
I planted my tomatoes in pots this year, since our property is surrounded by old trees. That way I can move them around to maximize their exposure to the sun as the seasons change. I've got 12 different varieties going at this point.
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
My profession tends to label everything and everyone. I usually let the individual know that I don't go by the labels that someone else gave them. I will let them have a clean slate when it comes to me. I will base my assessment upon how they act with me. Their beauty may show itself to me or not.
It does matter what we call things. There are so many acronyms in my profession it's ridiculous. Honestly, when you develop a relationship with an individual, their actions tell you so much more than their labels!!
Today I open myself up to the beauty of life. Be it dandelions, which I love blowing off the seeds with my children or alone. Or be it the acronym place on a individual that I can blow off until I get to know them. By the way, some of the acronyms do describe the person and their problem, sometimes, the acronym is obsolete for the person!!