I've given up the truth to those I've tried to please... and now it's my turn. --Diana Ross (Michael Masser/Carole Bayer Sager)
Sacrificing our rights often results in other people mistreating us. We deny our own importance if we say yes when we mean no. Saying no doesn't mean we reject the other person. It simply means we are refusing a request. Some of us become people pleasers and say yes to everyone and everything. We let other people, places, and things control our lives. We allow our personal freedom to be trampled on. We actually become numb to our own needs.
Learning to say no is an act of love and honesty. When we speak up and are true to our feelings, people know who we are and where we stand.
Today let me learn the healthy art of saying No when it is in my best interest to say it.
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Detaching with love is a whole lot better than doing things we don't want to do with resentment.
Being a double winner here...AA and Al-Anon.....I tried to fix others and ruined myself often enough to appreciate the power and act of love that NO is!!
It's nice to know where we all stand now.
My sobriety is more important than pleasing others. Today my needs are #1!! I need to be sober or I'm no good to anyone!!