Just to know that God is with us no matter how we feel. His eternal love for us is not based on our feelings. The valleys are designed to break my stubborn self will and strengthen me with His power. The hills are times of exultation and joy which He gives me to celebrate with. It's the plateau in which He desires I should live.
The valleys are designed to break my stubborn self will and strengthen me with His power.
Amen Gonee .... Another way to see this is that He wishes me to see that He will carry me through the valleys of despair if only I will turn it over to Him and let go of my feeble attempts at control ... when I see injustices in my life and/or in the world today, I have come to know that the results of any actions on my part are first achieved through prayer ... and followed up by my actions of doing the next 'right thing' ... which I intuitively have learned to do through His guidance ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'