He was 2 years old when I sobered up in AA. 27 now and involved in church ministry work and AACA. I could have written a different story without AA's 12 steps of recovery.
Last year my first sponsor's 30 year old son committed suicide after being on drugs for a long time. My sponsor relapsed after 8 years of sobriety- gambling. My son also experimented but we as parents in recovery, we worked very hard to present him with a good spiritual life. We started attending our local church and praying as a family. God did wonderful things for us.
What we live with we learn, what we learn we practice and what we practice becomes a habit. Our life at home and my relationship with my wife and our relationship with God was the only tools available to us to teach my son.
My son is my business partner, my friend and fellow traveller in recovery and church. Thanks be to God my Heavenly Father.
Thanks for sharing!! Miracles do happen for us, thank God. My four children were 11, 9, 7 and 1 when I got sober. Eight years later, day by day, things are getting better. I hope that the tools my wife and I have taught them by example work to some degree. I know they will make mistakes, I hope our disease does not strike any of them, but chances are good that it may. It is a concern of mine. I don't think AA addresses that concern directly. I know from my program that I can only be good for them when I'm sober. I am an example to them. I teach them by behaving properly instead of drinking. My wife an I can teach them about relationships through example. Church going and service oriented groups may also help them in their journey.
We will not always be here to hold there hands, but I hope to be here a while to enjoy the same fruitful and trying journey you seem to be traveling with your son.
Happy Birthday to you and yours from me and mine!!