Sorry you are having problems right now ... let me know if the drinking makes them go away ... whenever I tried that, my situation always got worse ... and the alcohol just made me 'not care' about anything or anyone ...
Undo the hook that the bottle has snagged you with ... or put the bottle to your lips and pull the trigger ... we can help if you'll let us ... but we cannot stop the liquid suicide if you won't let us in ...
I never like to sound 'uncaring', it's actually the opposite ... it hurts me to read posts like this ... wake up ... there's absolutely nothing 'worth' drinking over ... NOTHING
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I learned long ago that drinking to solve my problems is like burning down my house to get rid of a rat. The rat is gone but now I have a bigger problem. Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. I can't control what happens in my life but I can control how I react to it. There is nothing in my life that a drink will make better. Believe me I've proven this many times. All I now have to do is trust God clean house and help others and life is not so bad that I need to self medicate with alcohol.
Tell me and I'll forget. Teach me and I'll remember. Involve me and I'll learn.
Hey, we've all been there, or else we wouldn't be here. We all thought alcohol could solve our problems, and for a while it seemed to, until it created even worse problems.
You can always start your day over again. Put down the bottle, go to a meeting, read the Big Book, etc. There IS a solution. :)
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
Okay. So now someone is dead and you took actions to self-destruct? The person that died would have wanted you do throw away your sobriety and harm yourself in honor of them? No. Not trying to make you feel guilty or beat yourself up as you probably are better at that than any of us, but this is a thinking disease and here is where your thinking went wrong.
Yeah...understand that it's sad, don't beat yourself up...get back to meetings and the program and don't make excuses for your next relapse. Don't wait for something dramatic or difficult to happen and then use it as a free pass to relapse. Don't drink no matter what.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Okay. So now someone is dead and you took actions to self-destruct? The person that died would have wanted you do throw away your sobriety and harm yourself in honor of them? No. Not trying to make you feel guilty or beat yourself up as you probably are better at that than any of us, but this is a thinking disease and here is where your thinking went wrong.
Yeah...understand that it's sad, don't beat yourself up...get back to meetings and the program and don't make excuses for your next relapse. Don't wait for something dramatic or difficult to happen and then use it as a free pass to relapse. Don't drink no matter what.
Very well said PC ... ... ... Excellent way to look at it ... thanks, I must copy this so I can remember to share it at a meeting ... Great stuff!!!
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Sorry to hear of your loss Photo. Losses have always been difficult for me to accept. What I've learned is by drinking I ran and hid to avoid the pain. The problem was, the pain was there again when I sobered up. It didn't fix the problem. It did make things woarse, because it brought in other symptoms of my diesase and then I had huge issues. I avoided the healing that's necessary to accept loses. There's a griefing process to each loss we encounter in our life- Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Sadness/Depression and then Acceptance. Until we walk through each phase, there's no acceptance and no peace of mind. The Program and my HP have taught me to Feel, Deal & Heal without the use of Alcohol. The gift is, once you go through the process it gets a little easier and so on. We're here for you. You don't have to do this alone. I don't even know you, but I love you. Keep posting, let it all out. Judgement Free Zone. Prayers sent your way.
Sorry for your loss. Hope you can make it back into recovery. I can only think of the words of my first sponsor. "There is no justification for us to pick up the first drink.
"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."
((((Dori))))....becareful...going thru depression drinking a depressive chemical can be fatal...from my experience all control get lost and then I do also. Today I know between my Higher Power and myself...part of HP's will for me is that I do my part in the relationship between myself and others...I no longer drink in my part. Go clean yourself up and come back and spend some time with us. We know the feelings of lostt on lots of levels. ((((hugs)))) Wishing for the best.