"Relapse begins a long time before you pick up that first drink or drug."
I'm a three meeting minimum a week kind of guy. Anything below that and I begin feeling, well, kind of vulnerable. Oh, not that I'm going to pick up and use, but vulnerable to what my head tells me, and vulnerable to feeling more irritable, restless and discontented. I'm quicker to judge, and I begin storing resentments.
After a few weeks of that, it begins to get harder to make even two meetings a week. Soon I'm not answering my phone very much and calling my sponsor doesn't even occur to me. Work pressures mount, and on the way home you're not driving fast enough, and the parking lot is full, and Blockbuster doesn't have the movie I want. Suddenly the world is out of whack, and the idea of a drink seems not only natural, but completely reasonable as well.
I can't tell you the number of times I've heard people who relapse tell a story similar to the one above. It always scares the heck out of me because there have been times when I've begun to do down that same path. Thank God for my commitments, a strong support group, regular meetings I look forward to, and sponsees who continue to call me.
Today I have four meetings a week I go to - whether I need them or not - because I want to keep the distance between me a relapse as far apart as possible.
Copyright @ 2013 Michael Z
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
This is all well and true, but it's only a part of the truth.
I've seen many people follow the method of "Just don't drink and go to meetings." They're two-stepping, as the Big Book says. A lot of them even have two-stepping sponsors. I should know: I thought I could get away with that myself!
Ideally, going to meetings should spur you to intensive step-work. Working the steps as outlined in the Big Book and 12&12 is what makes the difference between a dry drunk, and a sober person who is capable of experiencing The Promises. :)
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
I agree with you Q, ... ... ... meetings are very important, of course, but for me, I know I'm getting in trouble if I start missing my morning or evening prayers ... when traveling or staying with my son, I can get caught up in other stuff and sometimes it throws me off my routine ... and I definitely know something is wrong when I start to feel vulnerable to having a drink ... ... ...
I know several members who stay sober 'two-stepping' and I agree that they are missing out on the full package the 'Promises' offer ... they are also walking a thin line with their sobriety ... Heck, I know some who've stayed sober on a 'resentment' ... LOL
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I miss my friends when I miss my meetings. My wife and I look forward to our regular meetings and usually we are the last to leave. It's been good for my soul, the pain, the humour, the love and friendship. I thank God that He has given us such a fellowship of people.