I haven't been on here for a while...I think I joined when I started treatment. I cannot believe how much has changed since then. I'm doing pretty good but have been dealing with some painful things in treatment. Learning to deal with my emotions....oh how that can be tough but willing to go to any length. So grateful I can get online and you are all here to remind me of what I need today...and when I go to a meeting something will be said that I needed to hear.....it brings all my gratitude back. Things are good a day at a time. I have about a couple more weeks left so I will have more time to join you all. Hope everyone is having a great day
YAY Pauliene...keep duplicating this first 60 days...keep doing the same thing over and over again and hold on to that open mind and the willingness to change the things you can. HP be with you...(((Hugs)))
Congrats on 60 days and to Philip for 90 ... ... ... 'One Day at a Time' and you'll turn around one day and have a year in your back pocket without even realizing it ...
Good job ... hang in there, just don't drink ... I guarantee it does get better
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Best wishes to the newly-sober! Get sponsors, read the Big Book and 12&12, work the steps! Staying dry isn't enough - aim for the joy and serenity that comes from following the program. :)
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
Best wishes to the newly-sober! Get sponsors, read the Big Book and 12&12, work the steps! Staying dry isn't enough - aim for the joy and serenity that comes from following the program. :)
Great advice here. I realised early on that following this advice put me in touch with the God of my understanding who is really the one keeping me sober. Whenever I have a birthday I know it's Him that deserves the cake.
Thanks everyone for your support and congradulations Phillip on your 90 days....it's good to hear that emotions start leveling out then. I don't have treatment on Fridays and was going to go to a meeting but have a bad sinus headache. It's good to know I come online to read what I need to focus on...it's awesome. Have a great evening everyone...Pauliene