I drank a lot for 5 years (all day everyday for most of the time) and have been clean for 33 days and 63 of the last 67. I am worried about my liver, pancreas and other organs. I hope my tests comeback okay but I am worried. Anyone else been where I am at?
No sense worring, it won't change the outcome of the test. Chance are you're fine because you're not in hospital. . I found out that I had Hep C shortly after my 1 year sober. Still have it 23 years later. Good news, since I stayed clean, sober, and nicotine free, it hasn't bothered me a bit.
Dean's reply was a good one and I can add from what I was given in recovery that getting off and stayin off the booze and my body would return to health because it was alway trying in the first place.
Yesterday, I worked for 7 hours straight scrubbing a floor from black to white that hadn't been cleaned in 3 yrs. My body is in shock, but in a good sore muscle way.
Last year at this time, I couldn't do that for 30 minutes without feeling like I was going to die - for real - and having to stop and call it quits. I was about 2 months sober - now a year and 2 months sober... I can wake up and go another 7 hours and it feels good! From there I worked all night moving furniture and boxes in preparation for my brother to come home for the first time with a significant other. I'm excited at the prospect that this week will be full of situations I will intuitively know how to handle, which used to baffle me... bottom line - free of the bondage of self, and most of all... fear.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Hey Provo, Hang tight. Many times waiting for the tests makes you sick! Its going to be fine. I am not a Doctor, but the body is pretty resilient, and 5 years is in your favor verses 10 or 15 years. Prayer sent for a good outcome. Tom
"You're in the right place. That's the door right there. Turn around."
Hey, don't worry about the tests, like Dean said, 'worry' won't change the outcome ... The Human body really is pretty resilient, and it will repair itself, given half a chance ...
When I went into my last rehab, my liver panel showed liver failure in all categories, I was turning yellow with jaundice ... ... ... Today, old age is my enemy (by the grace of God and AA) ... LOL
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'