Hi, I used to be on this site several years ago, but I had to start over. I just added the 42 to this username. Maybe someone will remember me, maybe not. Nevertheless, Im here now. I hope that I can access this site for mtgs too, but i only have a non smartphone. I have lost alot due to my addictions. Im real nervous right now. I could really use some guidance, and AA friends. more to come later. ps...i have 36 days sober
Congrats to you and Philip for sobriety time today ... ... ... it's never too late to stop drinking/using ... ... ...
Getting involved is the key to 'long term' sobriety here ... go to meetings, step studies, spkr meetings, etc. ... experience the wide variety of wisdom waiting for you at these meetings ... and of course seek out a good sponsor as soon as you can ...
We suggest 90 meeting in 90 days, it took me many more than that because I was sooo sick ... If you're sick of how things have been, then just go to the meetings and learn how to change your thinking and that will change your life ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Welcome Hippiechick and Philip! Being nervous and feeling overwhelmed is typically in early soberiety. We've all been there and can relate. You're not unique, you're just one of us. Keep coming back here and to meetings. Things will get better over time. The more you put into sobriety the more you get in return.
hello to you both, so glad you are here. there is a lot of experience, strength, and hope in these rooms. face to face meetings are very important, but we are here for you. share your questions and someone here has been in that same space before. we share the same disease and understand the things you are going through. just ask. one day at a time we can get through this together. have you found a sponsor yet? again, congratulations on taking the first steps of coming back, we need each other to stay sober. jj/sheila
Hello HTchick and Philip Welcome aboard! Yes, involvement. Find your brothers and sisters in real life at meetings and immerse yourselves in sane thinking. Ask away here as a back up. Sobriety is a great town to live in. Tom
"You're in the right place. That's the door right there. Turn around."