We hear a lot about becoming whole. "Become a complete human being." "Start on the pathway to becoming whole." "You won't find romantic love until you know you're complete." Frankly, these kinds of comments often confused me. But then I decided that wholeness relates directly to the process of detaching - letting go.
It's admirable to go after our dreams and know what we want to accomplish. But after we identify what it is we're after, we need to let it go. We need to know in our hearts and souls that we're okay whether we ever get what we're after or not.
Another friend described it this way, "It's the old Zen Buddhist thing," he said. "When you're one with yourself, life becomes magical. You can get whatever you want."
The most powerful and magical words we can say in the language of letting go are these: I am.
Then we step it up one notch by learning to say, I am complete just as I am.
I love this one - this was a huge turning point for me in my marriage. It was a spiritual awakening of it's own, and a true power greater than I can understand giving me such a simple gift to see this reality for one moment in time which changed all others to follow so deeply.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Like you Tasha, these 'Today's Gift' articles have been very 'eye-opening' for me .... Very few, if any, don't apply to me personally ... I'm so glad you found them as I did ... they DO make a big difference in my life today ... thanks for your comment ...
Love ya and God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'