I'm not sure what was going on. This guy brought up 'personal hygeine' as a topic, and then commenced to share on that topic in very very graphic detail. It was not good.
Good for you : ) Starting to trust your gut? Sounds like a gift and your HP had a different plan for you today than a meeting. Maybe catch one tonight instead???
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
We are supposed to limit our discussions to topics dealing with alcohol use or abuse ... personal hygiene is a subject better discussed 'one-on-one' with a sponsor ... WOW, all I can say is my 'personal hygiene' suffered terribly when I was drinking ... and I don't consider it a topic worth discussing in the group ...
I believe an old timer should have stepped in and straightened this whole issue out before it went too far ... unless there is more to it than you have shared here, I would have either goteen the meeting on track or probably have left myself ... depends on who was there that superseded my sobriety time ... and of course 'group membership' time ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Such a good point, Tasha. I had a little visit with my nephew instead, which was delightful as always :) Yeah, I wonder what happened after I left. A number of people walked out around the time I did and some of them were planning on going back in. There were no newcomers present, thank goodness. That would drive one away I am pretty sure!
For sure kind a wierd topic to bring up. I don't blame you for wanting to leave. I think Pappy is thinking in the right direction.
I would have been thinking about how to hijack the meeting and steer it back into a meaningful direction, it would take some creativity.
Hey, sometimes we really just need to see if we can "intuitively handle situations that used to baffle us". People need a meeting and the Sr people in the group need to try and be of service in this kind of situation. IME
"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."
That's a bit strange! Sounds like he got way off track. There's a guy who has 20+ years of sobriety who went to a meeting I used to attend daily. I have a ton of respect for this guy- he was homeless during his drinking days. Every once in a while he would mention that when he first came to AA it was through the court system... They cleaned him up, deloused him and all that. He would go to meetings thinking he was hot s*#^, scoping out the ladies because he now showered daily. He says this jokingly, and I think more of as a message to the other men (many of whom are in similar mind sets at this particular meeting) to focus on sobriety- not ego or hitting on women. I loved him for it as I was sitting there being leered at by men who just had their first shower in quite some time, and thought they should put their energies into the only girl in the room haha.
I might have walked too. The subject is totally inappropriate and one has to ask where was the chair or group conscience on this.
While it's fine to say someone should stay and see if anything good comes out of the meeting, the fact is that performances of this nature are very off putting. If it upset you Ruby, how would somone completely new take it. They might wonder, with some justification, what on earth they had walked into. Allowing this kind of stuff, which can alienate the newcomer, is a very poor way of upholding the 5th tradition, IMHO.
I've been tempted to walk out of meetings a number of times, so I can't say I blame you.
I've always stuck around, though, and tried to steer the discussion back to AA principles. You have to be willing to be confrontational, however, and I know that's not everybody's cup of tea. But this alkie likes an occasional brawl, lol.
The sway of alcohol over mankind is unquestionably due to its power to stimulate the mystical faculties of human nature, usually crushed to earth by the cold facts and dry criticisms of the sober hour. ---William James
I remember hearing or seeing something a while back that went along the lines of "If you haven't been to an AA meeting that you wanted to walk out on, then you haven't been to enough meetings".
I guess it was just a way of saying that there are sick people in the rooms, and sometimes lines will be crossed. I don't think that we need extend our tolerance to masochism - if it isn't working for you then I don't see how you should have to suffer discomfort and / or embarrassment, would be my thoughts on things.