No matter how bad it seems, or how much it hurts, I have my whole life to get through it. My HP is with me, and letting me feel the pain and feel the feelings, and that is a gift. I couldn't do that before.
I know I'll make it to the other side, and there will be a lesson, and a reason, and I can be quiet and listen for it.
I can let the peace wash over me today, as I wait out the storm of feelings, letting them rip through me, or just softly remind me that I am capable of loving someone. What a blessing to have loved someone.
It's worth it. They were worth it, I am worth it and this is just one day.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
To have loved someone else is to see the face of God...
(yep...Les Miserables is on DVD now and I watched it again Friday night).
Tasha, being able to have a REAL relationship of depth and substance is perhaps the greatest gift of sobriety. I think Dean describes his marriage similarly. It's not fraught with drama and BS. It's supportive and me and my partner are just there for each other and we are best friends. I could never have that before because my drinking or their drinking or my inability to give and receive love freely screwed everything all up.
So like many other 24 hour I sit her starting the day on MIP.....I make a vow just for today to enjoy and be thankful for all that goes a long with being human and having love in my life.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Aaaahhh......yes, the emotional often it is the 'reason' for drinking. We want to kill it, not face the reality of what is the source of it. We want to be free of it only to realize that by drinking we are only delaying those feelings and accepting the source for what it is, delaying possibilities of changing them, AND MORE continuing consumption......we are actually adding to the original. Yes, no one wants to feel pain!!! Yet 'wait(ing) out the storm of those feelings, letting them rip through...' we eventually find the clouds parting and see the beautiful clear skies...finding peace within. By the grace of God. One day at a time. (Sometimes it is a moment at a time.) The other side IS worth every bit of the agony at times. Thanks for the reminder.
Alcohol stole my ability to love anything or anyone, even myself ... .... ... I thank God and you guys for help in breaking those chains that bound me to a life of misery ... a life without love ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Alcohol stole my ability to love anything or anyone, even myself ... .... ... I thank God and you guys for help in breaking those chains that bound me to a life of misery ... a life without love ...