Recieved a call last night from a former Sponsee. Haven't talk to him in over a year. Work with him while he was in rehab and got him through Step 3. He left the Rehab and The Program of AA behind. He went back out to do some more research. He called drunk, but with a willingness to change. He reminded me that it didn't get any better out there. His misery was refunded in full and then some. He's at a meeting as I write this.
But for the Grace of God go I. What a marvelous gift to still be sober and working The Program of AA. To be available to help another Alcoholic. God seems to put people in my path when I most need them. I've been feeling off, can't really describe it except clouded thoughts. Just didn't feel Spiritually fit like I usually do. This is just what I needed to get the clouds to lift and get back into the sunlight of the Spirit. There are no coincidences in The Program. Don't know what today will bring for this gentlemen, but I'm available. What a gift!
Awesome Mike Be blessed and thanks for the message of HOPE ,that each day offers us another opportunity to find that New way to live..In support and prayer.
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.