I'm at the two week mark now. Which to me is pretty amazing. I don't think I have gone this long without drinking before since I was 16 years old. The thing that I really find amazing is two weeks ago I was waking up from a black out state, my living room a caos not idea of what happened the night before. Now that feels like a life time ago. It feels like I haven't had a drink for months!
I am feeling so refreshed now, I'm working out twice a day ( helps my sleeping). My paintings are selling better since I am focusing more on them now. I'm reading a ton. My relationships with friends and family have gotten so much better. I'm happier. I looked myself in the mirror the other day which was a regular occurance when I was constantly telling myself never agian, I smiled and said to myself good job. Instead of whats wrong with you , your a looser.
I just cannot get over how great I feel, I find myself wanting to talk to people , when before because I was usally in a hang over state I wanted nothing to do with anyone.
I'm just so greatful to be in this state, I never thought it was possible. I truly need enough space of alcohol to realize what it was doing to myself. I cannot be successful with my art and with myself if i am not sober. Simple as that!
-- Edited by mandm on Thursday 11th of April 2013 08:13:09 PM
Congratulations, Murray :) I'm approaching 9 weeks this weekend, and I am right on the same page. I'm glad you're feeling great and continuing to be a presence on the board. This little space has done wonders for lots of us!
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
wow 9 weeks is pretty epic. yeah, you can relate, for me it went from an obsession to out of my mind.. I'm finding it a bit mind blowing.
I had a friend ask me to go out to drink yesterday, i just responded cool have fun. I didn't have any guilt. One of my friends that has always been on my side for years now told me something very important .. just do what makes you happy. Don't worry about the pressure.
Real friends will definitely be supportive of us through this process and want to see us be happy :) And it IS incredible how good it feels to be sober. I've been simultaneously thankful and proud and even more thankful. At the same time, I think it's important to be vigilant about not letting our guard down. Just tonight I had a pang of craving. First real time in three weeks, but it happened and I was able to quickly push it away - but it also scared me. Anyway, good luck with the momentum. Once I hit four weeks it all became much, much easier!
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
Great job Murray and Adam, ... ... ... Congrats on a good 'sample' of what sobriety has to offer ... there will be trials down the road so please remain diligent on working the program and attending meetings ... don't let your grasp of this new 'way of life' slip through your fingers ...
Always think ahead ... just what am I willing to give up for that next drink? ... it can be up to and including your 'life' ... ... ... or someone else's ... sobriety for us is the choice between life or death ...
Good goin' guys, God Bless
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Congrats. I love hearing the change that comes with the simple act of removing alcohol! Hearing this is what heals us all for the long haul (in 24 hour increments) Tom
"You're in the right place. That's the door right there. Turn around."
Keep it up! Good work guys. Generally speaking, my worst day now is better than my "best" drinking days. Even hard times are just life issues and not the drama I felt and made life into when in the grips of active alcoholism.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Congrats to you both! It really does keep getting better and better. :)
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.