You have freedom when you're easy in your harness. --Robert Frost
Flowing with whatever comes to us in life eases us through each day's demands. When we resist change and the unfamiliar, we imprison ourselves and hide from God's invitations to grow. Only when we willingly experience God's lessons with trust and faith, and see them as blessings, are we able to wholeheartedly join in the stream of life.
With God in our life, what we once regarded as coincidence becomes the order of the day. Every situation and encounter weaves threads in the tapestry of our life, as we in turn are threads in the tapestry of others' lives.
The pattern unfolds every day that we live trusting that each moment is meant to bless us, educate us, and invite us to contribute our unique and necessary talents. God is here, now, guiding us. We only need to peacefully follow.
I will take it easy today in the sure knowledge that God will provide me with whatever I need.