I smell OK, hair is clean, can walk steady, am safe to drive. I take myself over to the 11:30 AM Wednesday "Seminary Self-Study" group in Northside Richmond. (It's still going, on Thursday now!)
I feel shame and guilt for the risk and danger I subjected my child to, but I have no reservations, no shame or guilt, about going to this meeting and picking up a white chip. Again.
Last white chip needed.......so far so good!!!!! Thank you "all" for being "here" all this time.
Your posts have shown me what I hear many others say..... don't ever get too far away from remembering your last drunk. Even after 30 years, it seems your recall and memories are very vivid. Thanks for sharing your story here, and Congratulations on 30 years..... one day at a time. (((hugs)))
I asked God for all things that I may enjoy life. He gave me life so that I may enjoy all things.