Yesterday at a family gathering at my brother -in-laws home in Boca Raton,we were gathered in a sitting room and my brother in laws wife asked me what I would like to have a drink.I asked for my usual ice water or seltzer with lemon if she had that. She said would you rather have a beer or a mixed drink?I said no thank you,water is fine.She then said you don't drink alcohol?I smiled and said no,not for many years with no further explanation..She said oh,okay well do you want just"a little' drink or a small glass of beer? Well meaning but not understanding that there is no such thing as a "little" for US. She is from Brazil and we haven't spent a lot of family time together as we just moved here in May of last year and haven't gathered that often.My family members chimed in and explained to her I was alcoholic and my brother in law now 50 who lived through the last few years of my reign of terror especially being married to his sister explained a little further,he was only in his early 20's then and witnessed the last couple years of my devastation... I then talked briefly on the difference of one who is alcoholic and cannot use alcohol and others ability to have a drink and move on....How is was not about how much or what I would drink but how I react to the drug that made me different... There can never be that first one for me based on MY OWN 25 years of evidence..There was no temptation or any weird feelings for me as I am always asked would I like a 'drink" and always so no thanks,water or something else is fine. I caught a very unnoticeable glance from my wife and could see a light in her eyes and a joy knowing those horrid days of active addiction had been put in remission with God's grace,working to remain daily in a fit spiritual condition to the best of my ability and staying in contact with my support group through the years..I remembered back,just briefly, how I once thought "well today I'll have just a little and where the end result ALWAYS took me,,This whole scenario took place in probably less than 10 minutes but a lifetime of active addiction and recovery zipped through the vast universe of my mind. As I prayed over our Easter dinner with the family before we sat to eat I was truly humbled and in deep gratitude for LIFE oh so much better than I had ever know before...If you are new here to MIP, the Program or just coming back,Welcome,and if you been around for a few cups of coffee,also Welcome...WE do understand there is no such thing as 'just a little" for us and thats okay!!!!!
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
I really hate , I always feel the pressures of saying no, I would have hated to go into the coverstation that you had to go into. Good for you for pulling it off.
Thanks Mike, nice share. Sure is good to hear those 10th step promises do come true. We react sanely and normally, we are safe and protected, the problem has been removed, it does not exist for us.... wow!
Great share MikeF ... ... ... Loved it ... I'd like to think that I, too, can have the very same reaction today that you just described ... excellent example of 'living the program' ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'