Most of you prob know that I do not attend regular meeting, I don't have a sponsor, and i did not do the steps. I do however, attend meetings when i need a reality check, have a network of support aa'ers and non, and read and try to practice many of the principles outlined in the steps, and the bb. I have achieve great personal strength, wealth, knowledge and respect, through my sober time. I don't need anything right now that could make me any happier. I did this for me, and my family, and everyone that I come in contact with. My question is, part of me wants to stand on the pedistle and take a bow. I want to have a token of proof, of accomplishment, of pride maybe. So could I go get a 1 year chip on my anniversary?
If you are a member of AA (you are if you say you are) and you've been continuously sober for the 12 months, absolutely!
You go to meetings, interact with AA's face to face, you read the literature, you apply the principles, you post as service work here, etc.
If you're concerned that you might not be entitled to a chip because of not having done the steps yet or not going to as many meetings as other newbies/oldtimers, don't be. All members in AA are equal. Your 1 year AA anniversary is equal to anyone else's 1 year AA anniversary.
But keep working the program. We don't, or shouldn't anyway, "take a bow." People who have GREAT programs sometimes start slipping away. Just this week we had two folks who related their stories of going out after 18 or 22 years. That's scary.
But it proves the equality principle in AA. We are all but a drink away from a drunk. No generals, no privates. We all have the same malady.
When is your sobriety date? We can all congratulate you on that day.
-- Edited by Tanin on Thursday 21st of March 2013 10:06:28 PM
Most of you prob know that I do not attend regular meeting, I don't have a sponsor, and i did not do the steps. I do however, attend meetings when i need a reality check, have a network of support aa'ers and non, and read and try to practice many of the principles outlined in the steps, and the bb. I have achieve great personal strength, wealth, knowledge and respect, through my sober time. I don't need anything right now that could make me any happier. I did this for me, and my family, and everyone that I come in contact with. My question is, part of me wants to stand on the pedistle and take a bow. I want to have a token of proof, of accomplishment, of pride maybe. So could I go get a 1 year chip on my anniversary?
As far as I know, the only requirement for getting a chip is being an alcoholic who has hit a milestone in sobriety. Much like how the only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drinking!
Most of you prob know that I do not attend regular meeting, I don't have a sponsor, and i did not do the steps. I do however, attend meetings when i need a reality check, have a network of support aa'ers and non, and read and try to practice many of the principles outlined in the steps, and the bb. I have achieve great personal strength, wealth, knowledge and respect, through my sober time. I don't need anything right now that could make me any happier. I did this for me, and my family, and everyone that I come in contact with. My question is, part of me wants to stand on the pedistle and take a bow. I want to have a token of proof, of accomplishment, of pride maybe. So could I go get a 1 year chip on my anniversary?
Hi Flipper,
Conrats on getting closer to 1 year. If you consider yourself a member of AA and want to pick up a chip it is your option.
I would make a couple suggestions: If it is customary to give a detail of how you made it to one year in your area, don't mention you didn't work the steps, didn't get a sponsor and go to meeting reguarly as it might harm those who need to do these things to survive or want to recieve the full benefits of the AA program.
The pedistle, taking a bow, self accomplishment, and pride you mention seems to be out of step with the humility and gratitude I learned about in AA. I can't give myself much credit as I couldn't stay sober more than a couple days without God and the AA program, so for me, picking up a chip is to help give the newcomer some hope and show that this way of life really works.
"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."
I would not have a problem handing you a medillion, giving you a hug..and whispering..."I hope we'll start seeing you at more meetings again".
A year of continuous sobriety, should be recognized. However, in AA, I think we have to refrain from taking a bow, because in doing so, our ego is taking credit for what the God of our understanding relieved us of; the obsession and complusion to drink. I like what I heard a man say years ago, and what I say now when I get a medillion, when asked by the group, "how'd you do it??" "I didn't, God did, and I just cooperated one day at a time."
I remember in the beginning, during my coming in and out of the rooms, being told by my sponsor that he felt I needed to give up being the most important person in the room. That he felt or at least was indicating it to me, that my repetitious relapsing had a lot to do with the desire to be clapped for, and seen as a newcomer... over and over and over... because by gawh, that kept me in the "most important" catagory. He was right to a degree. Heck, I didn't want to just get a 15 second clap session, I wanted ya'll to bring a darn parade down my street! LOL
Today I don't want or need a parade, in fact its only for the benefit of a newcomer that I even collect chips any more. For in silence, with much gratitude I humbly thank God for my freedom from active alcoholism. The only part I really played in it is doing what I have heard in meetings thousands of times; "Keep Coming Back". I did.
Now, I would have to question a few things regarding your post. Like, how do you follow, practice or even know the spiritual principles of AA if you haven't ever worked the steps those spiritual principles are based on? If its true that "you can't keep it, unless you give it away", how are you working with newcomers if you are not going to meetings where they are showing up everyday, and without working the steps or going to meetings how can you possibly be a sponsor to someone and guide them through the steps and be an example of what making AA a part of your daily life is, if you yourself haven't been doing it? This is not a program of theory, its a program of action, based on being a living example, and shared from a place of "personal" experience, strength and hope.
I think justadrunk said it clearly..."this is YOUR program" and I will add to that... "not THE program".
Suggestion: Go to at least 2-3 meetings a week, more if you can. Find someone with more sobreity time than you and ask them to help you work the 12 steps. After step 9, find yourself a newcomer and help them. Then you will be carrying and sharing the message of Alcoholics Anonymous, instead of your own.
Now, go get your chip, and just think about what has been said here. The decision is yours.
God works through people - Hence, I have thanked those whose spirits have touched me and aided me along the way. The fellowship of AA is a power greater than you, as is the literature.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!