I am going to start holding meetings in our chatroom on Tuesday and Saturday nights at 9PM est. I will be asking that those with 6 months or more of continuous sobriety, that attend f2f meetings become willing to donate some time to chair one meeting per week here as well. It does require that you are relatively computer literate so you can set up the mIRC irc software to run a meeting with just a few clicks of your mouse. (No, you don't have to type out all of how it works! LOL)
Very detailed set up instructions are available at http://www.12stepforums.net/mirc.html. If you'd like to start getting yourself ready to donate that hour or so of time each week chairing a meeting. I suggest you simply read them first, and then follow them to a "T". You do this and you shouldn't have any problem getting things going. Room moderators and greeters will also be needed. Moderators must have 6 months, and Greeters 30 days.
Come join us for the first two meetings and you will get a first hand view of how they are run, how a moderator, greeter and chairperson does their job for the group.
If you'd like to chair a meeting, please contact me at director@12stepforums.net with your first name, email address, length of time in sobriety, confirm you do attend f2f meetings, and what day and time you could schedule yourself for. Please be willing to stay committed to this service work for a minium of 90 days. The more stable and consistent our chairpersons are, the more stable and consistent the group and meetings will become.
We will somewhat fly by the seat of our pants for the first month, so we can all get an idea of how things go, then we'll schedule a group business meeting to discuss any issues, what we can do to improve how we are carrying the message, and what positions we would like to be filled so we can increase the number of meetings held.
The chatroom will be open 24 hours a day, for general supportive chat between meetings. So drop in and say hello. If no one is there, please be willing to stick around so the next person is not entering a empty room. This is a very important part of putting an online group together. People willing to be there for the next person.
Hope to see you in the room soon.
The url for our room is http://www.12stepforums.net/chatroom1.html. Just point your browser to it, and when you get there, put in a nickname for yourself that you will use regularly so we can get to know you by it, then click "Connect".
Alright, we have meetings scheduled for Tuesday at 9pm est, and Saturday for 11am and 9pm est.
Bob K. has stepped up to the plate and got himself set up to chair our Saturday morning meeting. With his multiple years of sobreity, and his f2f experience chairing meetings, I believe he will be a excellent chairperson! Be sure to show him some gratitude for his providing this service work when you attend the meeting.
We are getting alot of activity in the room. I sat in it for a few hours today and somewhere around 30-40 people rolled in. Some stayed for over an hour sharing their recovery, and others shared about their struggles with it. One person, who went out after 9 years, started his first 24 hours while with us in the room today. Keep him in your prayers.
Thank everyone for your support and encouragement to get this room back up and functioning the way its suppose to.
Please keep in mind we are still needing chairpersons to provide service on the nights that meetings are not scheduled. Your willingness to commit to a position of chairperson for 90 days, holding one meeting a week would be greatly appreicated.
John, I will do this in the future when it is not during my kids bedtime routine. I could be a go to back up person to contact if someone has something come up - I can most likely be here during most of these times, but there is no way I could commit to it with kids. Let me know how else I can help - thanks.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.