I can identify strongly with both of the above posts. Of course! Because I'm an alcoholic! I drank for complete, utter oblivion- daily. I got to the point of euphoria.. Kept going.. Drank til I felt the control Billyjack describes.. Kept going... Drank til I hit insanity.. Kept going... AH- oblivion. That's how I would describe my drinking. Not black out oblivion, I actually didn't black out all that often- I just didn't care. At all. About anything. Nor did I want to. That's how I drank nearly every day or night for about 20 years. Ah, man! Am I grateful to be sober 10 months as of midnight- miraculous considering what I just wrote as truth:) Jeckyll and Hyde is a perfect descriptor, Adam. Not drinking? I was the one who worked best under pressure, the one who all my friends would come to seeking advice, the calm in the midst of a storm so to speak- always level headed and seemingly in control. Total opposite drinking- I was a lunatic drinking. And then I just sorta became a lunatic all the time LOL. Then I got sober, realized I'm just kinda crazy- but I can do something about that:) great thread, Adam!
-- Edited by Col on Saturday 16th of March 2013 11:48:03 PM
I was trying to explain to my wife recently the difference between her method of drinking and mine. My wife is someone who is perfectly capable of coming home from work, having a glass of wine to de-stress, and spending the rest of the evening in a mellow mood. I, on the other hand, would come home from work, have a glass of wine to de-stress, and spend the rest of the night in an alcoholic haze drinking 2-3 beers while making dinner, sneaking half-mugs of rum while going into the kitchen for snacks, and making myself a "nightcap" consisting of about 90% vodka and 10% diet Coke -- only to verge on passing out as soon as we got into bed.
As someone who does not have identifiable alcoholic tendencies (I have only seen her drunk twice in five years) my wife does not understand that I have no off switch and cannot comprehend why anyone would drink so much knowing that it will lead to so much misery. At one point during the conversation I asked her, "What stops you from drinking more when you are at that point where you feel euphoric?" She told me that a) she never drinks to the point of feeling euphoric, and b) she stops because she knows she is going to feel sick the next day. This conversation really illuminated for me the extent to which alcoholism really is a mental illness. I tried to think of ANYTHING else in my life that I have had this behavior towards, and nothing even comes close.
I love Mexican food, but would never eat tacos to the point of passing out and waking up feeling completely wrecked. I love reading literature, but I would never read to the point of pissing my bed and humilating myself over and over again in front of friends. I love to ride roller coasters, but would never do so in excess to the point of risking going to jail or losing my family because I cannot control the impulse. When all is said and done, I am one of the most "in control" people I know, in terms of impulses and making good decisions. Yet, you put a drop of alcohol in me and I go totally bananas. It's the Jekyll and Hyde thing in its truest form.
Anyway, I don't think anyone but an alcoholic can ever really "get it" in terms of understanding the experience, and I suppose there lies the strength of AA in many ways.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
The way I've explained it to a non alcaholic was...ya know when you start to feel it you get a feeling like your gonna loose control? When I start to feel it I get a feeling like i'm about to get control. I've spent most of my life feeling out of control inside when I wasnt drinking and It was brutal. When i would drink was the only time i had peace inside and felt normal and I did it until I couldnt any more. The life I have found in AA has givin me that peace and feeling of control inside that only came from booze. I no longer feel like a visitor in my own life. But I know it will all go away if I dont live the life AA has given me on a daily basis and its not a chore, I love my AA way of life.
Since it cost a lot to win, and even more to loose, you and me gotta spend some time just wondering what to choose.
Wow, can I ever identify. I think I might have a a drinking problem. I just never had that little voice that tells a person they've had enough. One second I felt fantastic and invincible, and the next second I was waking up from a blackout.
I actually can't comprehend stopping at a couple. Makes no sense to me at all. You stop when you go to bed, not before. (and you keep one by the bed in case you wake up).
I can agree that I drank like all of you above ... Especially like Col ... I drank til I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING OR ANYONE ... just my 'next' drink ...
Congrats Col on 10 mo. ... ... ... WooHoo
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Great thread Adam - you're not alone as you can see in any of your behaviors, not a one. Amazing.
I'm so happy for you Col! What a blessing it has been to watch you recover on the same time line as me. It makes me realize how much a month matters in the beginning, and I look forward to next month 'today' because of that! I have you on one end, and Vixen on the other, and it's so exciting and inspiring! You are both truly a miracle!
Adam - there is a miracle brewing inside of you too : )
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
I never ever ever drank like a normal person. From the first time I ever put alcohol in me at 14 - I puked all over the house and my mom found me passed out drunk....all the way up to my last drunk.. It was the same. There are other compulsions I don't understand and that's okay. In some ways we are lucky this is a common one so we can easily find each other and help each other stay sober. My current partner goes months without having a drink....It baffles me cuz I don't understand what on earth 1 drink or 2 drinks could do for a person? I don't understand that and I never will cuz it just does not work that way for me. I get what you are saying with "Jeckyll and Hyde" but for me it really just boils down to allergic and compulsed (aka alcoholic) versus not.
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!