Haha - same here. I did that exact same thing - and am still doing it - just ate some chocolate with almonds hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I can over do it just like booze, so get the really big green and black bar, and make it last all week ; )
I also get myself pedicures now, and buy myself a new outfit each month. I hadn't updated my wardrobe for decades... but I looked AWESOME for the millennium! Just drug it out for a decade. LOLOLOLOL
I'm really getting into these styles that I remember wearing from the 80's as a kid. It's pretty fun actually! I just got a pair of neon pink hoop earrings and I'm rockin the skinny jeans - bye bye bell bottoms - I loved you, and I will miss you, but you make me look old now : ( Since I'm feeling younger than ever, I want to look it too!
Thanks for the Topic Adam - you rock!
Remember though - just don't drink today. Worrying about never drinking again contributed to my relapse a little over a year ago! Now, for the past 355 days - the one day at a time thing has worked great!
Love and hugs!
-- Edited by justadrunk on Friday 15th of March 2013 04:34:35 PM
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
I just wanted to note that I am finishing up my fifth week of sobriety and I feel great. Once I got past the first three of weeks and remained determined that I was never going to drink again - EVER - the past two have actually been relatively easy. I think that in the past, I have been foiled by the idea that I might *someday* be able to drink normally again, as long as I took a long enough hiatus. I now know that's absolute crap and akin to believing that I would be able to survive jumping out of an airplane as long as I was holding an umbrella to slow down the fall.
At the same time, I am trying to be careful about giving myself too much credit or relaxing into the belief that I am "fine" now. I am remaining steadfast in seeking out support, going to meetings, doing the readings, and reinforcing the reality that if I ever want to lead a long and healthy, productive life, I can never drink again and have to stay connected to HP. After five weeks of sleeping well, remembering all of my evening activities, not totally humiliating myself to my friends and family, and focusing my brain on topics that are not related to alcohol, I am feeling good about total abstinence forever.
Once sort of funny side effect, though, is that I have been finding myself craving chocolate in a BIG way. When I was drinking heavily, I consumed very few calories throughout the day, because I wanted to "budget" them for alcohol. Allowing myself to eat chocolate, french fries, and other formally off-limits foods has been a real treat :P And, since I'm not slamming my body with booze every night, I still feel significantly healthier than I have in years.
Anyhoots, I hope everyone has a great weekend.
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
Mahalo Adam and thanks for the weekend wishes...there is a connection between sugar sweets and the refind sugar content of booze. You might want to investigate ..."just for awareness". Great going on the alcohol freeness.
Yep, that first year I carried candy with me everywhere ... the sugar does indeed satisfy part of the body's demand for a drink ... so it lessens the craving ... I was gaining weight, but what the hell, I figured I'd deal with that later ... which is what I did ... I finally got down to a comfortable weight, then I recently stopped smoking and gained it all back plus some ... LOL
Again, I'll deal with the weight in due time ... You guys has got me drinking this ugly looking smoothie stuff right now, but I ain't sure if that will last or not ... I may just need to refine my contents ... LOL
Hey what about a cantaloupe smoothie, those any good??? ... ... ... I have to admit though, this stuff looks fattening too ... ... ...
Hey man, don't think that you'll never be able to drink again ... that's dangerous thinking ... always look at it for 'today' ... Today is the only day that counts ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I see you have got part of the first step instruction that many of us missed in our early attempts to straighten out. " The delusion that we are like other people, or presently maybe, has to be smashed" What that means is that in order for this program to work, there must be no idea of someday being able to drink like other people. In other words, as an alcoholic of the type described in the Big book, I will never be able to drink safely.
Dr Bob wrote: "But if you really and truly want to quit drinking liquor for good and all, and sincerely feel that you must have some help, we know that we have an answer for you. It never fails, if you go about it with one half the zeal you have been in the habit of showing when you were getting another drink."
I was like that. While I live life one day at a time (there actually is no other practical way to live it), I am here to stay sober for good. I completely gave myself to this simple program.
Yep, that first year I carried candy with me everywhere ... the sugar does indeed satisfy part of the body's demand for a drink ... so it lessens the craving ... I was gaining weight, but what the hell, I figured I'd deal with that later ... which is what I did ... I finally got down to a comfortable weight, then I recently stopped smoking and gained it all back plus some ... LOL
Again, I'll deal with the weight in due time ... You guys has got me drinking this ugly looking smoothie stuff right now, but I ain't sure if that will last or not ... I may just need to refine my contents ... LOL
Hey what about a cantaloupe smoothie, those any good??? ... ... ... I have to admit though, this stuff looks fattening too ... ... ...
Hey man, don't think that you'll never be able to drink again ... that's dangerous thinking ... always look at it for 'today' ... Today is the only day that counts ...
Okay, did I miss the planning meeting or something? Someone either replaced Roger with a healthier version or he's been drinking way too many smoothies. "Cantaloupe smoothies", Roger? Good God...I wonder what's next: Tofu ice cream? Don't even think about it. Besides, I like my fat anyway. There is one thing we do happen to agree upon: Meetings, and more of them. That's how recovery works, if we work for it of course. Now about those smoothies...we'll talk later.
There is an old timer with 42yrs who is 70, and he looks like santa, but he wears a fancy black suit to every meeting - except when he wears his blue sweater. He brings us a box of chocolates every single week.
I just realized, I used to get so pissed at my husband for never buying me chocolates, and now I get a box every week... it's just from a different source - funny how God works.
I buy myself chocolates occasionally and eat one bite out of each one - it's my kids favorite thing about me I think - cuz I let them do it with me. We're like a little pow wow of passing the chocolates LOLOLOLOL
-- Edited by justadrunk on Saturday 16th of March 2013 09:07:08 AM
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Haha. Sorry, Pappy! I should have warned you about the color of the spinach/spirulina/kale. It looks really gross. I actually can't drink kale smoothies because kale never grinds up enough. I find myself picking pieces out of my teeth and getting really grossed out. I don't mind baby spinach, though. It turns the smoothie a deep, dark green, but that doesn't both me :) Just for fun, I Googled fruit smoothies and found this website, which has recipes for healthy fruit smoothies. Maybe I'll give the green stuff a break and experiment with some other good flavors:
People told me to keep sweets around me early on. I understood that this was because of all the sugar in alcohol but I never had that much of a sweet tooth. At birthdays and stuff I would decline on cake. I distinctly recall that at my last birthday before getting sober, the few friends I had left got me a cheeseburger with a candle in it knowing I would not eat cake.
So at about 2 months sober I believe I was laying on the couch and just sat up and went "MUST HAVE SUGAR!" Chocolate mostly and even other sweets are now fully enjoyed since that time. It's like being a little kid again. Easter is coming up too right? Because you are sober, I say treat yourself to a giant chocolate bunny! (start going to the gym when you hit 3 months sober lol).
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!
Yup, I had a few months of the 'NEED chocolate NOW' thing. Though I have no concerns with putting on weight (I'm actually desperately trying to put on 10 pounds... I didn't say that to be a jerk), I started breaking out like mad. Figured it was pretty common to crave sweets since almost every meeting I go to offers some sort of cookie or pastry haha. I actually offered to take over bringing snacks to a meeting I go to. For the most part I eat very healthy, and even the sweets I buy are organic and low sugar. The gentleman I approached about this , at 3 months sober expressing my concern about all the junk offered and the impact on health- saying we should really have more nutritious options, simply gave me a long hard look and said "why don't you just find yourself a seat, princess". LOL!! I never mentioned it again:)
Again, I'll deal with the weight in due time ... You guys has got me drinking this ugly looking smoothie stuff right now, but I ain't sure if that will last or not ... I may just need to refine my contents ... LOL
Hey what about a cantaloupe smoothie, those any good??? ... ... ... I have to admit though, this stuff looks fattening too ... ... ...
Hey man, don't think that you'll never be able to drink again ... that's dangerous thinking ... always look at it for 'today' ... Today is the only day that counts ...
Okay, did I miss the planning meeting or something? Someone either replaced Roger with a healthier version or he's been drinking way too many smoothies. "Cantaloupe smoothies", Roger? Good God...I wonder what's next: Tofu ice cream? Don't even think about it. Besides, I like my fat anyway. There is one thing we do happen to agree upon: Meetings, and more of them. That's how recovery works, if we work for it of course. Now about those smoothies...we'll talk later.
Hey Mr. David, ...
Somewhere on this board we got to talkin' smoothies ... Adam gave a recipe I think, and somewhere along the way I bought stuff at the store to try this "#%&#$" out ... LOL ... I've learned if you just use the fruit 'n yogurt or milk, it's pretty good, tasty in fact ... but when you add the Kale, Spinach, and Spirulina (heavy duty algae), then it tastes a lot more like what you'd see in a baby's diaper ... ... ... AND it's the same color, dark, dark, green ... ... ... SO ... ??? ... I'm going to use my new found skill at the 'blender', and buy me some 'ice cream', maybe add some 1/2 'n 1/2, and some chocolate syrup, maybe a banana, and learn how to make me a 'milkshake' ... ... ... No Harm Done!!! ... Pappy is still in the house ... LOL ... I'll just be drinking my ice cream instead of eating it ... LOL
Forget about the fat, just don't drink alcohol and go to meetings, and then go to more meetings ... let God, ... mold you into who He/She wants you to be ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Is that a pill, powder, yogurt, milk,...??? ... Probiotic 14
I take it that this is for 'gestational health' ??? ... Other than some frequent 'heartburn' from time to time, I'm pretty good in that department ... Since the weather here has begun to break from the winterlike stuff, Rose and I have began to walk again ... I'm hoping to get some of this weight off ... without lighting up again ... (I'm at an 'all-time-high' ... ... ...)
Oh, and thanks for the web link ... I'll definitely check it out ..
-- Edited by Pythonpappy on Saturday 16th of March 2013 09:10:58 PM
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
No Worries Adam, ... ... ... If nothing else? ... It's gotten me to start 'thinking' healthier ... LOL ... Dean occasionally took a stab at me for my ice cream habit ... but no matter how many Health Smoothies I drink, I'll never look as good as he does ...
I've had a smoothie every morning for a few days now ... I put the fruit in, 1/2 cup water, several ice cubes, some honey ... today I did milk instead of water ... then my wife says, give me some of that before you put the healthy stuff in it, LMAO ... I did, she loved it, and so do I ... after throwing in the kale and Spirulina in the last half of it, it turns real dark green ... actually, I really don't think it's too bad ... I can handle it .... it just I know now how good it tastes before I add that stuff ... LOL
I promise to continue to experiment, but I got to say, I think I'll make a smoothie, drink the half I like first, then add the 'good for me' stuff and swig it on down ... Seems the stuff tends to make up about 16 to 18 oz. ... so there's plenty ...
Thanks for something new ... it's got to be better for me than drinkin' and smokin' ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Make sure you add probiotics to counteract the irregularity that may follow...
irregularity ??? ... right now, that's the least of my problems ... LMAO ... ... ... What are 'probiotics' ??? and if I don't have the irregularity problem, do I still need them? ... (also, I've tried replacing my 'computer candy' with dried fruit ... prunes, peaches, apricots, stuff like that ... still just trying to keep stuff in my mounth to keep the cigarettes away) ...
This week I noticed that my 'craving' for a cigarette has settled down some ... it now comes mostly when going to a meeting ... there's always a 'cloud' to walk thru ... and I stop and linger a bit in that 'cloud' ... oh boy, hummmm ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Pretty much the only people who don't need probiotics from everything I've read, are people are who were breastfed, and have never in their life taken antibiotics. That would also include eating animals who have never taken antibiotics, or drinking their milk.
If you weren't breastfed, you never have had good guts to begin with. If you were, but you took antibiotics, you permanently killed off your essentials and they must be restored. Plus we eat stuff on antibiotics constantly, so it's best to keep a constant new supply going in. And we don't eat real fermented food anymore - so they way you used to get restored doesn't happen anymore.
Buying organic yogurt will give you a few strains of probiotics, but you really need as many as possible, and in the billions of those little buggers... so take a really powerful - multi strain probiotic with at least 10 or more strains.
Plus, once you age past 50 - your guts start to weaken too... even if you were one of the only people on earth who was breastfed, never took antibiotics and have eaten only organic food your whole life.
I like probiotic 14 from good health naturally USA. I've been taking them for about 5 yrs now - still one of the best out there in my opinion.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Nope - it's for everything. It pretty much is the secret weapon for every ailment you could possibly get because it breaks things down and gets rid of them... all the toxins in your body need to leave... the quicker the better... this makes that process work. Everyone needs probiotics. In another 10 years or so people will just take them as commonly as a multi vit. This one is going to stick around, needing vitamins isn't just a fad, and this isn't either. You can find lots of info online if you're undecided. I am not an expert on it, but I have a brother, and my 2 best friends are all doctors, and all take it. It's up to you though... I'm not here to save the world lol. I sometimes forget that... hehehehehehe... I'll love you either way! God gave you a brain to use... and it works just fine : )
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.