The people in AA keep caring about me. They keep on asking me how I'm doing, and they keep on giving me hugs when they see I'm a tad quiet. They just keep doing it and doing it. I keep expecting them to stop caring. But it's been over a year now, and they keep on loving me. I've never had this before. Never.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
I have said all along that the love from these rooms over the years has made these people nothing less than my family .... I never received this kind of unsolicited love from my real family, much less strangers ... It's an amazing miracle group of people for sure ... I am happy AND Honored to be a part of the group ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
This is why I feel bad about not being able to fake it 'till, oh wait ACT AS IF everything is going great. When I'm in one of my "dark moods" it really shows, making me unapproachable. I've not had the pleasure of conversing with Rebecca51 yet, but I can certainly see why everyone appraches justadrunk with such positive vibes!
This is why I feel bad about not being able to fake it 'till, oh wait ACT AS IF everything is going great. When I'm in one of my "dark moods" it really shows, making me unapproachable. I've not had the pleasure of conversing with Rebecca51 yet, but I can certainly see why everyone appraches justadrunk with such positive vibes!
I know there are a lot of us here that would love to help you with that Alco ... If you care to discuss this a little further, what seems to bring on these periods of a "dark mood" ... ??? and does this dark mood always turn to anger or something short of anger? ...
I have found that making a 'conscious' effort to think positive, especially when things push me toward the negative thinking, helps me a great deal ... some sh!t happens, I say, 'really?' ... I drop my waffle bite in my lap, ... 'really?' ... i forget, and fill the oil filter i'm changing , up with oil, BUT this stupid one goes at such an angle, that most of that oil pours right back out on the ground while putting it in ... 'really?' ... I was walking in my back yard recently and my leg fell thru the ground up to my hip ... I look around and think, ... 'really?' ... i got out and took a 6' stick and put into the hole ... it went all the way in ... into some void that I will inspect later on ...
I have learned in working the steps, that the tools that are referred to in the BB are for 'spiritual' healing, which most definitely includes our basic attitude in life ... our whole outlook and attitude toward life usually changes here ... and if I weren't happy with my life here in AA, then I just might drink again ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I can be in dark moods too alco. Its not a good place to be. Reaching out like I did earlier here and talking honestly has helped a lot. Although I still end up in a lot of crap because some people don't like to hear it. At the same time tough some have said they love how open I am. I don't bull**** and I don't like having it done to me either.
Learning how to love without condition was huge step work for me and I was afraid that I would forget how to do it and/or loose interest until my sponsor taught me to keep giving it away and of course you alll know what happens when you do keep getting more and never run out of it. Give it away!!
Great post Tasha! Yes, it's truly a Fellowship of Love. The Fellowship loved me until I could love myself. I even have days that I don't love or like myself. They pick me up and love me anyways. Such a great gift!