Aloha all...if you were doing your recovery here locally you would come across a guy named Albert. Pleasant looking guy...easy smile on his face...never loud and obnoxous and very easy going. He's a target for guffaws and snide more superior than thou under comments. See Albert has been affected by MS or such and kinda stands and walks different than the rest of us. He stands up when he speaks into the group because he isn't often sitting...I guess it's another difficulty. He speaks slowly because what ever it is that affects his posture sometimes also affects his talking however for me it had never been that bad and I've always been able to understand that Albert "has it" ...the program. He knows and knows that he knows and I listen good to guys and gals like that. I've seen and heard some of the side comments and smirks which are made when Albert speaks his experiences. What's amazing is looking at the people who make the side remarks.
This morning at my home group a female newcomer who entered recovery a couple of weeks ago spoke into the group and was glad that she had the meetings to attend and that she was on her third meeting and had a week or so without drinking. She also said, "I am so very grateful for Albert because last week I showed up for a meeting and no one was there but me and then Albert. "I was ready to leave and needing a meeting and Albert told me we could still have one and so we went to my car (Albert rides a bike) and for an hour we had a face to face meeting and I was okay and learned a lot and am soooo grateful he stayed with me". Nothing stopped the process from happening. This gal could have been Alberts mother and he rarely does this kind of 12th step......but he did anyway. He trusted his recovery and the program of AA and went ahead with it.
As she turned for the second time toward Albert to say thankyou a voice within me said, "When anyone...anywhere...reaches out for help I wasn't the hand of AA to always be there...and for that I am responsible". The spiritual demostration of the gratitude for his 12th step filled me spiritually especially as I looked beyond them at a member who was retreading for about the 4th time that I know and who often makes non-supportive comments about members like Albert. This man now has about 3 weeks again and shared that he just lost a friend from rehab to booze. I repeated out loud our declaration with awe because that's how it works and how the world wide fellowship works and recommitted to the fellowship. This is a "we" program and Albert knows how to work it and God knows when to use him. Thanks for letting me share.
WOW, ... what a great post and share Jerry ... this gave me a 'warm and fuzzy' kinda feeling ... it makes me want to re-commit to the program all over again ... thanks for that ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I see your buddy Albert working the program of AA. And I see AA working among you all. Maybe those snide comments can fade away after the sources think about it a bit more.