If only you could read my mind. If only you could hear my thoughts. Well, now you can! Just push the play button and listen to the deep, meaningful lyrics...http://youtu.be/Qo5eyTQB0zc
Didn't get to the youtube but the title of the OP caught my attention.
The source of my shame and anxiety, in my early days, was just that question. If you could read my mind you wouldn't want to know me, I am so much worse than I appear, I did so many things that, if you knew about them you would kick me out of AA. My new found friends in AA would want nothing to do with me, if you could read my mind. Feeling apart and alone amongst these tolerant and loving people, the worst case ever to come to AA, one who didn't deserve to recover, if you could read my mind.
Thank God, with all my faults, I brought a modicum of willigness and as I began to apply what I was taught, I was shown a new freedom. I was shown how my past can be useful, but above all, through the steps I learned that I am just an ordinary alcoholic, nothing special. That there was nothing I hadn't done or thought about doing that fellow alcoholics hadn't done or thought about doing. I ceased to be a visitor and became part of the whole.