During the last year or so of my drinking I used to wake up in the middle of the night completely soaked in perspiration. It didn't matter what I'd been drinking or how much (it was always a lot) but I could pretty much set my watch to it that I'd be awake a few hours after passing out and as wet as if I'd taken a shower in my pyjamas. Does anyone know why this started to happen? I have to admit it kinda scared the bejesus out of me.
I could only guess that the 'sweating' condition is a part of the 'detox' process ... this usually happens when we put way more alcohol into our systems than our system can handle ...
and if that hasn't stopped within the first 30 days sober, then seek medical attention ... cause dehydration can kill you too ... for me, it was accompanied by a rapid 'heart rate' and extremely high blood pressure ... ALL of this can be affected by 'salt' too ... be careful ...
When was your last DRINK ???
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Not only do I no longer have the night sweats - but I no longer sweat as much in general - which was kinda gross and embarrassing especially as a female!
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
I had the night sweats as well during the last of my drinking. I would fall asleep fast and wake up all sweaty. Then, not be able to fall back asleep. Sucked! Many times my wife at the time would say you stink of alcohol. What? I haven't drank in several hours... I guess it was coming out of my pores. I was told or learned it was my body detoxing from alcohol. Anyway, doesn't happen today. I do sweat some nights, but it's because I have too many blankets on me during winter.
Hi McHappy- I definitely had the night sweats during my drinking, and the first week or so of sobriety. When I was drinking heavily, I would wake up like MikeB (almost always at 2:30 am) in a soaked t-shirt and wet sheets, and no hope of going back to sleep before morning. My wife said I smelled 'pickled'... probably pretty accurate considering how much I was drinking. In my case, it also came with a HUGE wave of anxiety and restless leg syndrome. The same sweating held true the next day if I didn't drink- if I did any amount of physical activity, I'd have to carry a hand towel to wipe my face for things like vacuuming! When I finally got help, I still sweated for the first week of detox, but less and less. My understanding is that the excess sweating (hyperhidrosis) comes not from the alcohol itself, but the physical withdrawals your body goes through when you stop. It often starts to appear 6-12 hours after stopping (which made perfect sense for my 2:30 wake-ups). It is your body doing what it should do: trying to get back into equilibrium by getting rid of all the toxins swimming around inside. And when there is just too much to get rid of through normal avenues (pee, etc.), it starts pushing it out the pores and breath.
Going for the info is good recovery...knowing what it was that I was doing to myself was a mindblower. Here is only one link that is helpful SoberMc...check it out. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-connection-between-night-sweats-and-alcohol.htm Keep on keeping on.
I had that. I knew it was due to drinking but also thought at least some of it was due to being a middle aged female. Nope. It was all the drinking! Don't miss the sweats a bit!