There's a church reader board I drive by pretty much daily. I usually glance at it. Sometimes it's announcing a new group or meeting, kids programs, or an inspirational message. One day last week, for only one day, it had the question "When did you become who you are?" Two years ago I probably wouldn't have given it a second thought, or thought it was a stupid question.
That day though, my first thought was: I don't even know who I am, so how can I answer that?
My next thought was: I became who I am at the moment I was concieved, the moment I was created. I am only now growing into who and what I was created to be all those 53 plus years ago. And God answered me, I felt it in every fiber of my being. "Yes, you are right. You became who you are the moment you were created, and every step, every joy, every sorrow, has been as it was meant to be."
More amazing than that to me is this. As the mother of a special needs child with a history of drug use, I have always wondered if some of my past behaviors somehow contributed to my child's disability. It has caused me a lot of anguish over the years. Through this program and working the steps, I have been able to let go of most of that. It is not important, and no longer holds the power over me that it used to. That day, after I received my answer about when I became who I am, I realized that if that is true for me, then it is true for my son also. He became who he is at the moment he was created, and he is exactly who he is supposed to be.
My miracles keep coming.
Night all. (((hugs))) & Peace
I asked God for all things that I may enjoy life. He gave me life so that I may enjoy all things.
My personal faith beliefs also tell me I was created in the image of God(OF MY OWN UNDERSTANDING)A concept that is not really understood but I believe it is in line with the character of God, love. I have always had illnesses even well before my addiction began.I was a thief,I lusted in my heart,I was selfish and deceitful it was all about me first and then anything else.Around 1959 I began my plummet into addiction and for next 25 years it progressed into the Monster WE all know it to be.When I truly surrendered my life to the God of my understanding I began my journey of becoming who I am today.The regimented theology,the guilt and fear of instilled beliefs were replaced by the loving and caring relationship I have with my Higher Power.It is no different,I believe for those with disabilities..It is like a brand new shiny corvette,,,,even if that corvette is crashed up it is still a corvette only in need of repair.WE learn thru the guidance of our individual Higher Power,our process of application of spiritual principals in all areas of our lives that we also need repair..Through this process I seek God's will for me and I do believe that will is for me to be all God intended me to be but the details in getting there are left up to me(my free will)I am aware of the philosophical discussion of free will or determinism but believe in the former.I always have thought I am who I am today because of who I was yesterday starting with the creation from my maker..With that grace and mercy ,Just For Today I have another opportunity to be Love,the spirit of God and continue becoming.....
Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles.
Without spending 'all' day on this, which I could easily do, I'll try to be brief ... (Actually, MikeF hit the nail smack dab on the head, in my opinion) ... ... ... We 'become' and 'are' who we are when we exercise our 'free will' to take the action we see fit to put us in the position we wish to be in on any given day ... ... ...
My God does not force me to love Him/Her ... (love would have 'zero' value if it were forced) ... My God allows me to choose my actions today ... My actions make me who I am ... When I pray for Him/Her to 'take me 'today' and to do with me as He sees fit', I place my 'thinking and actions in His hands for Him to guide me in the direction I should go ... through Trust, Faith, and Love, I then become who I feel He wants me to be ... therefore that's who I become ... that is who I am ...
The key word here is 'FREEDOM' ... ... ... the person you are is simply a matter of choice ... we are free to disobey God's commandments and desires all we wish ... I see these type people on a daily basis ... those who use their 'freedom' in selfish, greedy, and uncaring ways for others, always find their lives lacking in fulfillment ... lacking in the 'peace and serenity' that we all seek ...
Don't know about ya'll, but I try to start each and every day off with a conversation with God, to seek His/Her guidance in all my activities for the day ... This is where MY 'peace and serenity' come from ... We all have that freedom ... whether we're behind bars or not ...
Love ya'll, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
So many blessings come with sobriety, and perhps the most fun, the most distresssing, the most painful, the most joyous, is coming to be who we are, coming to see who we are, sharing who we are, and embracing who we are.
I think I have always been who I am, a child of God filled with love to share. She has just been hidden from me in a veil of booze, resentment and regret. I like discovering her. She pretty much rocks. :)
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.