I was wondering if you would be willing to share your favorite recovery books.
Currently, I am reading 24 Hours a Day - which is a FANTASTIC book of daily reflections and meditations about alcoholism. I wake up each morning, read a reflection, and keep referring to it through the remainder of the day.
I am also reading a book called One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the 12 Steps.
I am really enjoying both of these books, but was wondering if anyone else had suggestions for great reads :)
As always, thanks!
When every situation which life can offer is turned to the profit of spiritual growth, no situation can really be a bad one.-Paul Brunton
Hey Adam....I love the 24 hour book...Also Daily Reflections...My homegroup we read from both of those books every day. But no book I have ever read has changed my life like the Big Book of AA...I simply had to do what was in it.
For me ??? ... It was one failure after another for 15 years ... last rehab(in '08), a counselor gave me a copy of 'The Shack' ... I was so 'spiritually touched' by that book, that it broke down the AA books into 'bite-size' pieces that I then found easy to swallow ... I haven't had a drink since reading that book ...
Let me re-phrase ... ... ... I love the AA books, they have taught me of a new way of thinking, a new way of life ... BUT, until I read 'The Shack', ... none of the AA books helped ... Yes, I was spiritually bankrupt coming in, as are most ... 'The Shack' cleared a lot of things up for me regarding LIFE ... so much so that I readily accepted and worked the AA program ...
So ... it's easy for me to say that this book indeed saved my life, and perhaps my very soul ...
God Bless, Pappy
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
I read the Shack on Pappy's recommendation and found it excellent, just as Pappy says.
The book Alcoholics Anonymous is the most important book in my life, but I wouldn't call it a good read. It's a text book. it tells me exactly how to take the steps and find that power greater than me. Living Sober was a useful and practical book for the early days, and I really enjoy 24 Hours a Day. Dr Bob and the Good Oldtimers is a great read also.
I love a lot of the books you all mentioned 24 hour book, Little Red book has some good insights.
The Buddhism and 12 steps sounds interesting.
I just recently picked up the book I read early in sobriety called, "Sobriety Without End" by Father John Doe. He also put out a series of smaller "Golden Books" on various AA topics. His material was popular in my area when I got sober.
His book covers 22 topics ie Decisions, resentments, easy does it, think, honesty, first things first, sex in sobriety etc
"There ain't no Coupe DeVille hiding in the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box."
The Big Book and Living Sober. Not a recovery book specifically, but I love love love Augusten Burroughs's 'Dry'. I'm currently reading 'Waiting: a Non-Believer's Higher Power' by Marya Hornbacher.