Well, I got my period today. DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHH Natasha! You're a psycho the days before your period - time to try something different or keep getting what you're getting... which is pure insanity, and I'm tired of putting you guys through it, and my family and myself.
I'm really sorry for all the drama - thank you for listening and caring and the love.
Has anyone ever taken this stuff???? http://goodhealthusa.com/products/Lithium_Balance/
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
You might want to look at Lunar phases. I can get really whacked out, right before a full moon, if some issue pops up. I didn't think about this until just now. A new moon pulls high and low tides just as strong or stronger than a full moon. So I googled and found this. check it out.
"Conclusion The results of our lab have enabled us to disprove our hypothesis. Our original hypothesis stated that individuals would have distinctive differences in mood when there was a new moon compared to when there was a full moon. We thought that when there was a full moon, individuals would suffer from stress, and become emotionally unstable. When there was a new moon, we believed that emotions would stabilize and people would become more tranquil. Our results showed that the moods of the total individuals changed but not in accordance to our hypothesis. The next part of our hypothesis stated that when comparing men and women, we expected that women would be more emotionally affected by the moon cycle. Our results put this into a better context. The results did show that there was a difference between the behavior change in men and women, but men were equally affected by the phases, just effected by a different cycle. Mens' behavioral patterns and emotional change were dependent on the full moon cycle, while women were not. Females, on the other hand, were dependent on the new moon cycle, while men were not. "
keep this around or get a clock with a moon phase on it to warn you of new and full moons.
LOL!!! Dean.....There is a reason... they call 'em (and us) "L U N A (lunar/moon) T I C S"!!!! True True sooo true!!! Ahh ...all my peeps....the Luna-tics! lol The only problem with the forewarning...is when I am nuts....I'll not BELIEVE its the lunar cycle...I WILL believe however, that the entire universe is pickin' on me...the devil has its boot upon my throat....that the idea of God is just a vicious tease...that nobody likes me , everybody hates me....that George Bush will be appointed for a third term....and that the world is gonna end in 18 hours.......... Thank God...This too shall pass.....((((hugs)))) :)
ya'll are funny!! I don't know anything about PMS, ESP, UFO's, Lunar Moon movements, and the such...
I only know that when I am crazy, I know deep inside that something isn't right...
and when I'm insane, I don't think anything is wrong!
Ditto what John said ... ... ...
Ya know, ... I read somewhere in the 'Good Book' that a woman was to go and be separate from family a couple days outta the month for her cycle(or something like that, I really don't remember the specifics) ... I always thought this was logic for that period of time just for 'hygiene' maybe ??? ... NOW, I'm starting to believe it was because of the insanity that accompanies this , uh, ... natural process ... ... ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Dean - I have noticed that moon cycle with my kids and also when I worked with Alzheimer patients daily and new them really well, I could tell you without ever looking out the window where we were on the calendar... but of course I am exempt from things LOLOLOLOLOLOLOOL!
I have noticed that for my kids, both new moon and full moon is a crazy time - mainly because they feed off each other and aggravate each other so even if only one is the core problem, it's contagious lol
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Every full moon I turn into a Canine creature and I crave raw flesh. I run around in the woods a while and wake up with naked with blood all over me. Sucks....but it beats being an active drunk.
P.S. - Dean, stay in north Florida. This state is only big enough for 2 werewolves.
Tasha - wish I had some better feed back for premenstrual dysphoric disorder. That is the DSM IV term for what you are describing (which is beyond PMS). I assume you already talked to your doctor....
Keep coming back. It works if you work it. So work it. You're worth it!