Aloha Family...hope yer all fine. Just decide to share a bit of recovery Huh?? whicher all. I have the best business in he world right now and I am blessed in more directions than I can count because it came at me during the economic turn down and the owners of this hotel told me "we think you are really over qualified for this" and then I responded in my best program direction, "Then you have to decided on one over qualified and anyone else that comes along"...and now I take care of God's great earth which involves a large garden with fish ponds and birds and trees and flowers and stuff that my heart pays attention to. Often times I also pay attention to the guest who want to come by and talk and you know what I realize?!! We are also from the garden.... but that isn't what captured my attention at 9AM this morning...It was a couple walking hand in had down the windy pathway on their way toward the ocean and they were walking slow like they were enjoying the stroll and then my eyes took in the whole picture...He had breakfast with him; a six back of locally brewed bottled beer and a bit of a thought hit me before I turned back to my homegroup AA by the Bay is seaside also...maybe this was a practice run...who knows. I could relate some to the picture however there never was a woman with me at the time. Mahalo for letting me share.