I showed up at the animal shelter 'way up der in da nort woods'. The workers were out to lunch. The little hand written note hung half crooked by a piece of silver duck tape. I had to appreciate that I was in a land even more 'laid back' than my own slower moving little town of about 350 residents.
The door was not locked... so I could have waited inside on afghan covered floral sofa, but it seemed a bit odd, and the smell was a bit more so. I chose to drive back into the town and see what it had to offer. To my surprise, there was a Walmart - albeit a tad downsized (if you can imagine) from what I've normally seen. I remembered our fruit & veggie-less house, so I went in.
I have often referred to the group you would find in AA, as a group of people similar to the variety of folks you would find in Walmart. All walks of life have the same bodily functions, and need the same sorts of toiletries to get along in that regard. We AAer's, have an extra 'xy or z', and so it happens, all walks of life need the same sort of spirituality's to move along. We all take certain steps for certain things just the same.
I rather enjoyed the slow moving feel of it. The lady who told me all about how she lived 'down south' once (just about an hour south of me - still in WI!). Oh how she did so enjoy the warmer temps and at least 20 or more days less snow. I had to giggle... because it does make a difference... every little bit counts. People called one another Ma & Pa, and they mostly wore orange stocking hats, and scratched their heads as they stopped suddenly in the midst of the cereal isle with so many tantalizing choices before them. I remember when we first got a Walmart too. I remembered being overwhelmed at first, and admittedly still can be.
I have also felt that way in AA. So many choices... so much to discover... how do I pick? How do I do this all? Am I making good choices???? Who can tell me?????
Maybe the million dollar idea I've been searching for is a sponsoring service for Walmart shoppers ; )
Or have I met her already? Is her name Sire or something? Does my Iphone have an AA sponsor Ap? LOL
Well, I suppose getting to the point is in order. I have gone through walks like this before. Very judgmental. Ego fueled - and reeking of self righteousness. But now thanks to my AA program, my sponsor, and all of you who speak just how my HP does... I can just be me. I can actually take me where ever I go? I can take my HP with me too!
I left with a genuine smile, and began my trip back to the shelter to adopt my new kitty. Another rescue kitty like my sweet Mr. Fluffy who passed several months back.
She is afraid as expected. So far she hasn't come out from under the bed. It took my last kitty 2 or so years to stop mostly hiding under the bed, but somewhere along the line he began to trust. From that point, he learned about love. From there, he got to just be.
That is what AA has given me.
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
Great example Tasha, ... ... ... I've said it and others too, we can learn so much from animals and pets ...
Our dog, Rose, was rescued from a shelter by my son's friend and then we were selected to be the adoptors, LOL ... she was presented to me as a birthday gift ... it's one of the best things to happen to me in my life ... Rose was very shy at first, because of her abusive beginning, but after a while the trust did develop and the love was ignited and the rest is history ... she has unconditional love for me now and is constantly by my side or as least where she can keep an eye on me ... I woke up again this a.m. with her head resting across my legs, waiting patiently for me to rise ...
She doesn't judge me for my past and wants nothing more than to comfort me when I'm taking it easy or when I'm having a rough day ... When I go across the street to help my 80+ y/o neighbor for an hour or so, she acts like I've been gone years and is so excited to see me walk back in the door ... when I think about it, I feel that she has many of the same qualities and traits as God does ... well, maybe that's one of God's ways to show us His/Her affections ... actually, I truly believe it is ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'