Forgiveness is the key to action and freedom. --Hannah Arendt
When we refuse to forgive ourselves, we think we are being very noble for not letting ourselves off the hook. What we're really doing, however, is setting ourselves up to use again.
We're not accepting the fact that we are powerless over our addiction. It changed us into people who did not act according to our values. We did things that hurt others. If we accept our powerlessness, we are saying that addiction controlled us, and not the other way around. We did not choose this disease and, therefore, must forgive ourselves for getting a human disease called addiction. It doesn't mean our behavior was okay, it means we no longer hold a grudge against ourselves.
WO - I need to meditate on this and think about ALL of this as I admit every day that I am powerless in step one. This helps me understand it in a new way and deeper way!!! Thanks for posting Roger!
Thanks for everything. Peace and Love on your journey.
WO - I need to meditate on this and think about ALL of this as I admit every day that I am powerless in step one. This helps me understand it in a new way and deeper way!!! Thanks for posting Roger!
X2 Tasha! Love it. I was recently trying to wrap my arms around forgiveness of self like we foregive others. This helps in putting that into perspective. Thanks Roger!