I took a page from Tipsy's book and decided to reinvent myself here. My other account had almost 1000 posts and I felt I needed to start over since I am on day 1 again. Made it to a face to face meeting nooner, it was about service work, I helped set up some chairs and take them down. Felt so good to be a part of the group. For now I will go to as many meetings as I can and shut up and listen until I can grow a bit. Thanks again everyone. There is light still at the end of the tunnel.
I think there's an invisible principle of living...if we believe we're guided through every step of our lives, we are. Its a lovely sight, watching it work.
Re-invention...what a concept; what a true concept. Mahalo Steve. I also did that before I got here with the help of the program, my Higher Power, my sponsorship and the courage to change the things I could...Thanks for the example.
Why don't you try posting daily for a while and let us know your progress ??? ... maybe we can help you in a different way this time, you know, get a little closer !!!
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Great! Looking forward to hearing more from you! Ive found that checking in here daily, in addition to going to meetings, has helped to keep me on track and to focus on sobriety. I like your idea of a 'fresh start':) congrats on day 1
Well Done! Steve, get out a weekly calendar, and mark out your daily meetings, morning meditation/readings, then fill in the blanks with work, excercise, meals, sleep.... Get into a routine and stick with it no matter what. It's the routines that pull you through the hard times and temptations to drink, gamble...