The fact of the matter is I'm sober today, I didn't piss anyone off, my wife is still with me and I have a job, work the program, have God and a sponser. Too bad I can't master my fear with 60 days sober. Oh well at least I didn't drink today.
That's great HJF, ... stick with the priority and work on the finer points of the program as you can ...
Hint: The sooner you work all the 12 steps, the sooner you lose your fears ... remember we deal with 'total honesty' here, so when we finish the steps, our souls are laid bare and there becomes nothing left to hide anymore ... (a main source of 'fear') ...
You're doing good ... just keep up the good work ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'
Fear is an emotion that actually helps me to remain sober!! Work your program, see what place each emotion has in your life of sobriety!! I have a healthy fear that, negativity and one drink will bring me right back to where I came from!! Glad to see you back and reading the progress!!
Fear is a natural emotion designed to aid survival.
Irrational fear however is something different and was certainly part of my early days in AA. The answer to fear of this type is faith (courage is fear that has said it's prayers) and for me faith developed through working the steps. Much of my fear departed with step 5 and most of the rest with step 9.
The one time I attended a formal meditation (step 11) group, a couple of years ago, I received a message. A voice I heard as clear as a bell said "There is nothing to fear"