Seems like the walls have stopped closing in. I wouldn't say they are receding but at least they aren't getting closer. Funny how just doing one or two things out of the pile that needs doing can make you feel a little better.
Went to a meeting at a new place this morning. They gave me a 24 hour chip. Was nice to see a couple familiar faces for the first time. I'm not terribly shy but I do feel very vulnerable right now.
Thanks for listening. Hope everyone has a great and sober day!
Good to hear Christine! Congrats on your 24 hour chip. The walls will start to recede over time. Keep at it! What helped me in the beginning was to find a couple of trusting individuals in the Fellowship to talk with. Once we go to meetings and start talking with others, we see that we're not really much different from one another. That was a huge relief for me. They call that terminal uniqueness. I then got a Sponsor so I could go further with knocking those walls down. Started and completed The 12 Steps resulting in humility and ego-deflation which knocked them further down. I now live in The Program and the walls keep receding.......................... Let it happen!
Hey Christine, ... that's what we call our 'white chip' ... the 'desire' chip ... it's offered to anyone who's coming into AA, or returning ... during the chip thingy at the end of the meetings ... When I do the chips, I also call it the 'surrender' chip ... 'white' being the international symbol of surrender and all ... you know? ...
If you have a 'Desire' to try this way of life ...
If you wish to 'Surrender' yourself to a better life ...
'Those who leave everything in God's hand will eventually see God's hand in everything.'